An, Ju-Hyun
/ 2005
/ The study on effects of teaching methods of English reading through balanced language approach in the elementary school - 4th grade in the elementary school -
/ 석사
/ Chung-Ang University
/ 2014
/ 도구를 활용한 아동의 효율적인 영어 어휘 습득 연구 : 초등학교 2학년을 대상으로
/ 석사
/ 상명대학교 교육대학원
Bae, Sojeong
/ 2021
/ The effect of conversational storytelling instruction on EFL learners’ interactional competence
/ 석사
/ Ewha Womans University
Bae, Yoon Jung
/ 2010
/ The effect of the writing activity through the format of blended learning on classroom accomplishments and affective attitude
/ 석사
/ Busan University of Foreign Studies
Bang, Mary
/ 2002
/ An application of children’s stories to English education for the third grade elementary students - Focusing on listening -
/ 석사
/ Chuncheon National University of Education
Braunstein, L.
/ 2006
/ Adult ESL learners’ attitudes towards movement (TPR) and drama (TPR Storytelling) in the classroom
/ CATESOL Journal
: 7~20
Brown, H. D.
/ 2007
/ Teaching by principles: An interactive approach to language pedagogy
/ Pearson Education
Byeon, Se-mi
/ 2008
/ A study on improving English reading ability and interest through Internet-based storytelling
/ 석사
/ Wonkwang University
Chae, Chang-mok
/ 2004
/ A study on teaching-learning elementary English utilizing the digital storytelling
/ 석사
/ Cheong-ju National University of Education
Cho, Gahyun
/ 2008
/ The effect of storytelling-based English instruction on the development of phrasal verbs of elementary school students
/ 석사
/ Hankuk University of Foreign Studies
Cho, Hyun Ju
/ 2006
/ Using cartoons for English education at elementary schools - With emphasis on teaching the 6th graders -
/ 석사
/ Dankook University
Cho, Jin-Gyu
/ 2005
/ The effect of an English reading/listening story program on communicative ability and affective domain
/ 석사
/ Busan National University of Education
Choi, Ji Eun
/ 2001
/ A study of content-based storytelling teaching and learning
/ 석사
/ Seoul National University of Education
Choi, Su-Jung
/ 2008
/ The effect of differentiated teaching-learning methods of storytelling on the development of vocabulary ability
/ 석사
/ Busan National University of Education
Choi, Sun-Mee
/ 2006
/ The effect of TPRS(Total Physical Response Storytelling) on elementary school students’ communicative ability in English
/ 석사
/ Gyeng-In National University of Education
Choi, Yoon Young
/ 2004
/ The effect of storytelling on English listening in the elementary school
/ 석사
/ Kyungpook National University
Chun, Eun Gu
/ 2008
/ A study of enhancing communicative competence through storytelling in elementary English classes
/ 석사
/ Wonkwang University
Cohen, J.
/ 1988
/ Statistical power analysis for the behavioral sciences
/ Routledge
Ha, Soo-Jung
/ 2003
/ A study on the use of cartoon materials for the learning English
/ 석사
/ Kookmin National University of Education
Harmer, J.
/ 2012
/ The practice of English language teaching
/ Pearson Education Limited
Heo, Eun Hwa
/ 2013
/ The effects of using English storybooks on 5th-graders’ reading ability and affective domains
/ 석사
/ Gwangju National University of Education
Hong, Eun Hye
/ 2012
/ A study of the effects of reading activities by using CD-ROM English storybook on English reading ability
/ 석사
/ Kookmin University
Hwang, Kyung Ock
/ 2006
/ Improving English communicative competence through storybooks in elementary school
/ 석사
/ Konkuk University
Hwang, Sung Dong
/ 2015
/ Meta-analysis using R
/ Hakjisa
Jang, Eun Young
/ 2010
/ A study on developing and applying a TPRS English teaching model for low graders in the elementary school
/ 석사
/ Jeju National University
Jang, MiYoung
/ 2003
/ The development and application of English storytelling programs for special skill and aptitude class
/ 석사
/ Inchon National University of Education
Jang, Suk Hyeon
/ 2015
/ Effects of English teaching for elementary school students through storytelling
/ 석사
/ Jeonju University
Jang, Young-Hwa
/ 2005
/ Some effects of storytelling on elementary English learning - Focused on listening ability & attitude -
/ 석사
/ Jeju National University
Jeon, Ji-Sook
/ 2002
/ A study of English learning effects through storytelling in elementary classrooms
/ 석사
/ Ulsan University
Jeon, Young Hee
/ 2002
/ A study on the effects of the storytelling in elementary school English education - With a focus on the whole language approach -
/ 석사
/ Chunchon National University of Education
Jeong, Nae-hwa
/ 2009
/ A study of English fairy tales on the application methods for effective English teaching and learning at elementary school
/ 석사
/ Chungju National University
Jeong, Soon-young
/ 2012
/ Effects of storytelling on the English proficiency of elementary school students
/ 박사
/ Chosun University
Jo, Il-Jae
/ 2009
/ How to teach English literary texts for English education
/ Wooyong
Jo, Woo Rin
/ 2011
/ A study on the effect of shared reading activities for English story on the vocabulary ability of elementary students
/ 석사
/ Korea National University of Education
Jo, Young Ae
/ 2009
/ The effect of English learning in elementary students through the application of storytelling
/ 석사
/ Daegu National University of Education
Jung, Ahreum
/ 2019
/ A study on teaching English writing to 5th grade students in elementary school by using digital storytelling
/ 석사
/ Korea National University of Education
Kang, Hye-Soon
/ 2006
/ A study on the effect of storytelling-based instruction on elementary schools students’ reading skills and affective domain
/ 석사
/ Jeju National University
Kang, Hyo-Jin
/ 2005
/ Teaching reading through English storybooks in elementary school
/ 석사
/ Konkuk University
Kim, Eun-Hye
/ 2005
/ The effects of task-based English learning through storytelling on elementary school students' English listening and speaking abilities
/ 석사
/ Jeonju National University of Education
Kim, Hye-Eun
/ 2003
/ A study of teaching methods of English reading through phonics and storybooks
/ 석사
/ Chung-Ang University
Kim, Hyun Ju
/ 2012
/ The effects of learning contextualized vocabulary through storybook
/ 석사
/ Hankuk University of Foreign Studies
/ 2009
/ Effects of using English children's stories on Korean English learners' language skills and learning attitudinal factors
/ 박사
/ 공주대학교 대학원
Kim, Jin-Soo
/ 2006
/ The effects of using literary texts in English classes for the reading comprehension and attitudes of Korean high school students
/ 석사
/ Pusan National University
Kim, Jin Yeong
/ 2017
/ A meta-analysis of the effectiveness of language learning strategy instruction in the Korean context
/ 석사
/ Pusan National University
Kim, Mijeong
/ 2015
/ Effects of retelling on improving vocabulary retention in elementary English education
/ 석사
/ Gyeongin National University of Education
Kim, Moon-hee
/ 2000
/ The effects of storytelling on learning of elementary school English
/ 석사
/ Incheon National University of Education
Kim, Sam Hee
/ 2001
/ A study of English teaching model through storytelling for the third grade of elementary school
/ 석사
/ Seoul National University of Education
Kim, Sookja
/ 2009
/ The digital-storytelling technique and effectiveness reflected on elementary EFL learners’ comprehensibility
/ 박사
/ Sejong University
King, N.
/ 1996
/ Playing their part: Language and learning in the classroom
/ Heinemann Drama
Ko, Kyoung-Seok
/ 2004
/ The effects of the English teaching model through stories on elementary school students’ learning style
/ Journal of the Korea English Education Society
: 1~32
Ku, Woo Seo
/ 2013
/ The effect of storytelling-enhanced English lessons on primary school students’ listening and reading skills and learning attitudes
/ 석사
/ Chonnam National University
Kwag, So-ran
/ 2008
/ A study on improving primary school students’ English vocabulary learning ability through shared reading
/ 석사
/ Dong-A University
Kweon, Seong-Hee
/ 2007
/ A study on the method of teaching elementary school English by storytelling
/ 석사
/ Chungju National University
Lee, Eun Young
/ 2002
/ A study on the improvement of reading ability through fairy tales in the elementary school
/ 석사
/ Chuncheon National University of Education
Lee, Jung-Hwa
/ 2005
/ The effects of Internet-based English stories on the elementary school children’s development in listening skills and interest in learning English
/ 석사
/ Jeonbuk National University
Lee, Kee Jeong
/ 2005
/ A study of teaching English reading to 6th grade elementary students through English fairy tales
/ 석사
/ Konkuk University
Lee, Kyong-ah
/ 2004
/ Teaching English vocabulary through stories
/ 석사
/ Hanyang University
Lim, Kyung-mi
/ 2003
/ A study on hearing & speaking instruction using fairy tales elementary school English
/ 석사
/ Chosun University
Lim, Ok-Ju
/ 2003
/ A study on effect of English listening, speaking ability and interest by English story through Internet with reference to the third grade
/ 석사
/ Chung-Ang University
Lim, Soon-Nam
/ 2001
/ A study on the effects of TPR and TPRS on vocabulary acquisition
/ 석사
/ Daegu National University of Education
Lim, Yang-Soo
/ 2001
/ The effects of activity-based learning through storytelling
/ 석사
/ Inchon National University of Education
Lim, Yu-Jin
/ 2003
/ The effect of storytelling on the improvement of listening skill in elementary English education
/ 석사
/ Jeju National University of Education
Ministry of Education
/ 2015
/ 2015 revised English curriculum
/ Ministry of Education
Moon, Hyunsook
/ 2004
/ A study on improving vocabulary acquisition through English story books: In elementary school
/ 석사
/ Kookmin University
Noh, Yong-shill
/ 2004
/ The effects of storytelling in elementary school English class focusing on the improvement of communicative competence
/ 석사
/ Changwon National University
Oh, Soon Ja
/ 2001
/ A study on hearing & speaking instruction using fairy tale reciting for elementary school English
/ 석사
/ Daegu National University of Education
Oller, J. W.
/ 1983
/ Story writing principle and ESL teaching
/ TESOL Quarterly
: 39~53
Pak, Jong-ik
/ 2018
/ The effects of digital storytelling activity on high school English ability
/ 석사
/ Korea National University of Education
Park, Eunhee
/ 2013
/ The effects on reading and writing in English through storytelling based on multiple intelligence - Focusing on year 5 elementary school students
/ 석사
/ Daegu University
Park, Kyung-Hee
/ 2016
/ A meta-analysis on the effect of story telling program
/ 석사
/ Chonbuk National University
Park, Mi-Ja
/ 2004
/ The effects of the classes using storytelling on the elementary school students’ English listening and speaking skills
/ 석사
/ Kongju National University
Park, Soon-joo
/ 2002
/ A study on vocabulary teaching using storytelling in elementary English
/ 석사
/ University of Seoul
Park, Sunyoung
/ 2007
/ Research on measures to use a storytelling method in primary school English education
/ The Journal of Mirae English Language and Literature
: 37~59
Peck, S.
/ 2001
/ Teaching English as a second or foreign language
/ Heinle & Heinle
: 139~149
Petty, W. T
/ 1980
/ Developing children’s language
/ Allyn & Bacon
Ryu, Seung-Hye
/ 2001
/ A study on storytelling having effect on English listening learning at elementary school
/ English Linguistic Science
: 289~315
Son, Hee Jung
/ 2010
/ The effects of storytelling instruction through the application of activities that correspond to the elementary school students’ needs
/ 석사
/ Daegu National University of Education
Song, Juhee
/ 2021
/ Effects of remote learning English reading program on elementary school students’ English proficiency and affective attitude
/ 박사
/ Kyonggi University
Song, Young-Mi
/ 2003
/ A study on effect of teaching language forms by storytelling in elementary English education
/ 석사
/ Korea National University of Education
Sung, Yong-sook
/ 2002
/ The effect of TPRS(Total Physical Response Storytelling) on vocabulary ability and interest
/ 석사
/ Busan National University of Education
Wright, A.
/ 2009
/ Storytelling with children
/ Oxford University Press
Yang, Kyungsoo
/ 2018
/ A Study on improving students’ competence of using English vocabularies: Focusing on storytelling education in middle schools
/ 석사
/ Jeonju University
Yoon, Jung-ok
/ 2000
/ A study on the use of cartoon activities for the improvement of listening and speaking skills
/ 석사
/ Busan National University of Education
Yu, Shin Sook
/ 2005
/ A study on the pedagogical model development of elementary school English through story-book reading
/ 석사
/ Seoul National University of Technology