The aim of this study is to examine the extent to which foreign words are used in Korean movie titles. For this purpose, this study analyzed the titles of Korean movies released in or after 2000 and obtained the frequency with which foreign words are used in Korean movie titles. First, this study classified Korean movie titles on the basis of the words used as follows: native, Chinese, mixed, and foreign. As a result, mixed movie titles are the most frequent, followed by Chinese movie titles, native movie titles and foreign movie titles. Especially for the foreign movie titles, this study also classified them according to their morphological structures, the number of their syllables/words, year of release, and their genres. When the movie titles were sorted by morphological structures, movie titles with word-type were the most frequent, followed by the titles with phrase-type and those with sentence-type. And when the movie titles were sorted based on the number of syllables/words, the average syllable number was 4.75 and the average word number was 1.9. Finally, this study observed the patterns in the use of foreign words in Korean movie titles and further examined the types of misusage in terms of their Korean Romanization.