author={Han Byung-sam and Ryu Do Gon and Siwoo Lee and kim kyung yo},
title={Effects of the Chungsimyonjatang water Extract on the Rat Myocardial Cells in Cultures},
journal={Journal of Sasang Constitution and Immune Medicine},
AU - Han Byung-sam
AU - Ryu Do Gon
AU - Siwoo Lee
AU - kim kyung yo
TI - Effects of the Chungsimyonjatang water Extract on the Rat Myocardial Cells in Cultures
JO - Journal of Sasang Constitution and Immune Medicine
PY - 2001
VL - 13
IS - 1
PB - The Society of Sasang Constitution and Immune Medicine
SP - 70
EP - 78
SN - 1226-4075
AB - ADR유발성 심근독성에 대한 심근세포의 손상기전을 규명하기 위해 ADR의 독성을 MTT정량, NR정량, LDH활성도 및 심박동을 측정하였다. 배양된 심근세포에서 청심연자탕 전탕액의 심근세포 보호효과는 LDH활성도 측정과 심박동 측정을 통해 관찰할 수 있었다. 이 실험을 통해 다음과 같은 결과를 얻을 수 있었다.
1. ADR은 배양심근세포에서 세포의 생존능력을 떨어뜨렸고, LDH의 활성도를 높였으며, 심박동수를 감소시켰다.
2. 청심연자탕 전탕액은 배양심근세포에서 ADR에 의해 증가된 LDH 활성도를 유의하게 감소시켰다.
3. 청심연자탕 전탕액은 배양심근세포에서 ADR에 의해 감소된 심박동을 유의하게 증가시켰다.
이상의 결과를 통해 ADR은 신생 마우스에서 적출해낸 배양 심근세포에서 독성효과를 나타냈음을 알 수 있었으며, 청심연자탕 전탕액은 ADR에 의해 유발된 심근세포독성에 매우 효과적으로 방어효과를 나타냄을 알 수 있었다.
KW - Chungsimyonjatang;MTT assay;NR assay;LDH activity assay;Heart beating rate;Adriamycin(ADR);Myocardial cell
DO -
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ER -
Han Byung-sam, Ryu Do Gon, Siwoo Lee and kim kyung yo. (2001). Effects of the Chungsimyonjatang water Extract on the Rat Myocardial Cells in Cultures. Journal of Sasang Constitution and Immune Medicine, 13(1), 70-78.
Han Byung-sam, Ryu Do Gon, Siwoo Lee and kim kyung yo. 2001, "Effects of the Chungsimyonjatang water Extract on the Rat Myocardial Cells in Cultures", Journal of Sasang Constitution and Immune Medicine, vol.13, no.1 pp.70-78.
Han Byung-sam, Ryu Do Gon, Siwoo Lee, kim kyung yo "Effects of the Chungsimyonjatang water Extract on the Rat Myocardial Cells in Cultures" Journal of Sasang Constitution and Immune Medicine 13.1 pp.70-78 (2001) : 70.
Han Byung-sam, Ryu Do Gon, Siwoo Lee, kim kyung yo. Effects of the Chungsimyonjatang water Extract on the Rat Myocardial Cells in Cultures. 2001; 13(1), 70-78.
Han Byung-sam, Ryu Do Gon, Siwoo Lee and kim kyung yo. "Effects of the Chungsimyonjatang water Extract on the Rat Myocardial Cells in Cultures" Journal of Sasang Constitution and Immune Medicine 13, no.1 (2001) : 70-78.
Han Byung-sam; Ryu Do Gon; Siwoo Lee; kim kyung yo. Effects of the Chungsimyonjatang water Extract on the Rat Myocardial Cells in Cultures. Journal of Sasang Constitution and Immune Medicine, 13(1), 70-78.
Han Byung-sam; Ryu Do Gon; Siwoo Lee; kim kyung yo. Effects of the Chungsimyonjatang water Extract on the Rat Myocardial Cells in Cultures. Journal of Sasang Constitution and Immune Medicine. 2001; 13(1) 70-78.
Han Byung-sam, Ryu Do Gon, Siwoo Lee, kim kyung yo. Effects of the Chungsimyonjatang water Extract on the Rat Myocardial Cells in Cultures. 2001; 13(1), 70-78.
Han Byung-sam, Ryu Do Gon, Siwoo Lee and kim kyung yo. "Effects of the Chungsimyonjatang water Extract on the Rat Myocardial Cells in Cultures" Journal of Sasang Constitution and Immune Medicine 13, no.1 (2001) : 70-78.