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2016, Vol.28, No.2

An Analysis of Case Reports and Case Series on Taeeum Person in Journal of Sasang Constitutional Medicine from 2006 to 2015
Soo-Hyun Sung , 안뜰에봄 , Jong-Hyun Park and 1 other persons | 2016, 28(2) | pp.83~102 | number of Cited : 2
The Origin, Changes and Compositive Principles of Jeoryoungchajeonja - tang
권오원 , 김배수 , 이지원 and 2 other persons | 2016, 28(2) | pp.103~109 | number of Cited : 4
The Reliability and Validity Test of Sasangin Diagnostic Questionnaire for Specialist(SDQ_S)
박윤성 , Je-Shin kim , Byung-Joo Park and 4 other persons | 2016, 28(2) | pp.110~122 | number of Cited : 8
The Effects of Paced Breathing in Specific Respiration Rate on Heart Rate Variability:A Pilot Study
Kim Ji Hwan , 김병수 , Park Seong-sik and 3 other persons | 2016, 28(2) | pp.123~131 | number of Cited : 1
Comparison of Effects of Yangkyuksanhwa - tang, Palmulgunja - tang and Cheongpyesagan - tang on the Rat Hyperthyroidism Induced by Levothyroxine
Kim Seongtae , 최애련 | 2016, 28(2) | pp.132~146 | number of Cited : 1
A Study of the Effect on Obesity in Taeeumin Animal - experimental Model Induced Lung Fibrosis with Bleomycin
김윤하 , PARK JUNGHWAN , jinyoung kwak and 2 other persons | 2016, 28(2) | pp.147~162 | number of Cited : 2
A Case Report of a Soyangin Patient with Aftereffects of the Tuberculosis Aggravated after a Pleural Effusion and a High Fever of Unknown Origin
Jae-Wook Lee , 허한솔 , 조혜원 and 1 other persons | 2016, 28(2) | pp.163~175 | number of Cited : 2
A case Report of Tinnitus after Subarachnoid Hemorrhage(SAH) Operation Diagnosed as Soyangin Hyunggyeok yeoljeung
임태형 , Park Hye Sun | 2016, 28(2) | pp.176~183 | number of Cited : 4
A Case report of Soyangin patient with early - stage Parkinson's disease treated with Hyeongbangjihwhang - tang
이인성 , Jin-hee Won | 2016, 28(2) | pp.184~192 | number of Cited : 7
A Case Study of a Taeeumin Patient with Advanced Parkinson’s Disease Having Orthostatic Hypotension
Jeongyun Lee , Yu-Gyeong Park , Nayoung, Bae | 2016, 28(2) | pp.193~204 | number of Cited : 7