Objectives This study is aimed to develop criteria for assessing the health level of cancer survivors through patient reported outcome based on sasang constitutional symtomology.
Methods As a result of the researchers’ meetings and the first round of expert group consultation, the constitutional health level assessment items that would be common to all Sasang constitutions were extracted, and constitutional health level assessment items for cancer survivors were selected. A second round of expert group consultation was conducted to determine the importance and weighting of these items for each constitution.
Results & Conclusions For soeumin, the importance ranking and calculated weight were as follows: ‘I had sweats even when I was not hot or exercising.(1st, 4.09)’, ‘I had night sweats while sleeping(2nd, 3.94)’, ‘I lost weight.(3rd, 3. 75)’, etc.
For soyangin, as follows: ‘I had night sweats while sleeping.(1st, 3.08)’, ‘I had vomiting.(2nd, 3.02)’, ‘I felt hot flashes in the afternoon or at night. (3rd, 2.73)’, etc.
For taeumin, as follows: ‘I was out of breath.(1st, 3.48)’, ‘My heart was pounding for no reason.(2nd, 3.45)’, ‘My body was swollen.(3rd, 3.22)’, etc.
For taeyangins, as follows: ‘I couldn't urinate well.(1st, 4.49)’, ‘I vomited(2nd, 4.44).’, ‘My upper abdomen were hard.(3rd, 3. 14)’, etc.
Based on the results, we developed a draft of a questionnaire to assess the Sasang constitutional health level of cancer survivors, weighted for each item.