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Developmental Study on Korean Adult's Self-Description and Earliest Childhood Recollection

  • 2007, 20(2), pp.17-38
  • Publisher : The Korean Society For Developmental Psychology
  • Research Area : Social Science > Psychological Science

김현정 1 BangHeeJeong 1 조혜자 1 조숙자 1




This study examined the characteristics of self-descriptions and earliest childhood recollection of Korean Adults in terms of gender and age, in order to understand the interactive relation between the self-construal and autobiographical memory from life-span and socio-constructive developmental perspective. Korean Adults aged from 20' to 50' (N=352) were asked to make self-description on a shortened 20 Statements Test and to report their earliest memories by filling out questionnaires on memory. As the result of analyzing the earliest memory, the average age at earliest memory of Korean adults was 4.8 years. They reported more positive and mild emotion in their memories. The younger reported earlier memories. Males and the younger reported more shortened and less other-related memories. The analysis for self-description of Korean adults, showed that both males and females placed more emphasis on individual attributes in describing themselves and that males and the younger reported more individual attributes and less other-related attributes. Finally, the results showed that the more relational self-construal they have, the more other-related and less emotional memories they provided and that the more positive self-evaluation they provided, the less emotional memories they reported.

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* References for papers published after 2023 are currently being built.

This paper was written with support from the National Research Foundation of Korea.