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Episodic and non-episodic aspects of autobiographical memory narratives in older adults with depression

  • 2014, 27(2), pp.59-74
  • Publisher : The Korean Society For Developmental Psychology
  • Research Area : Social Science > Psychological Science

Youngkyoung Kim 1




The present study investigated differences in episodic and non-episodic aspects of autobiographical memory between older adults with depression and those without it. 20 older adults with depression (M = 73.45, SD = 5.95) and 20 older adults without depression (M = 72.5, SD = 4.54) were asked to generate narratives based on two autobiographical themes: one was an episodic theme ‘an important event in your life’ and the other was a procedural theme ‘your daily routine’. Protocols were scored with Autobiographical Interview (AI) scoring manual, which is a reliable system for categorizing episodic and non-episodic information. Depressive older adults retrieved less informations in all episodic categories for both narratives, namely, event, time, place, perceptual, and thought/emotion categories, as compared to non-depressive older adults, while more informations in semantic and repetition categories of non-episodic type for episodic narrative. These findings suggest that deficits of autobiographical memory specificity may be a marker of depression in old age and memory specificity training can be effective in aiding recall of current common events as well as significant remote events

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* References for papers published after 2023 are currently being built.