title={A Study on the Duality of “Siyoganai”},
AU - Kim,Young-Min
TI - A Study on the Duality of “Siyoganai”
JO - 日本硏究
PY - 2025
VL - null
IS - 62
PB - The Center for Japanese Studies
SP - 31
EP - 48
SN - 1229-6309
AB - In this study, the dual nature of the Japanese expression “Siyoganai”in modern Japanese wasu surveyed, and the outcome can be summed up as followes: First, “Siyoganai”has its unified form where the particle “ga”cannot omitted, and also it shows the duality if the negative form “nai”is independently used.
Second, the resercher tried to figure out the dual nature of “Siyoganai”by surveying the relationships with the NPI, practices, and adverbs.
Third, the meanings and functions of “Siyoganai”were categorized and examined in forms of methods, means, situations beyond its ability, the highest praise, and the emotional expression of speakers.
Fourth, it was found out that “Siyoganai”also has its interjectional function.
Through the entire study, the dual nature of “Siyoganai”was explored and contributed significantly to its academic development in the field of study.
KW - Negative Expression;Corresponding Relationship;Cooperation;Duality;Negative Polarity Item
DO - 10.20404/jscau.2024.08.62.31
ER -
Kim,Young-Min. (2025). A Study on the Duality of “Siyoganai”. 日本硏究, 62, 31-48.
Kim,Young-Min. 2025, "A Study on the Duality of “Siyoganai”", 日本硏究, no.62, pp.31-48. Available from: doi:10.20404/jscau.2024.08.62.31
Kim,Young-Min "A Study on the Duality of “Siyoganai”" 日本硏究 62 pp.31-48 (2025) : 31.
Kim,Young-Min. A Study on the Duality of “Siyoganai”. 2025; 62 : 31-48. Available from: doi:10.20404/jscau.2024.08.62.31
Kim,Young-Min. "A Study on the Duality of “Siyoganai”" 日本硏究 no.62(2025) : 31-48.doi: 10.20404/jscau.2024.08.62.31
Kim,Young-Min. A Study on the Duality of “Siyoganai”. 日本硏究, 62, 31-48. doi: 10.20404/jscau.2024.08.62.31
Kim,Young-Min. A Study on the Duality of “Siyoganai”. 日本硏究. 2025; 62 31-48. doi: 10.20404/jscau.2024.08.62.31
Kim,Young-Min. A Study on the Duality of “Siyoganai”. 2025; 62 : 31-48. Available from: doi:10.20404/jscau.2024.08.62.31
Kim,Young-Min. "A Study on the Duality of “Siyoganai”" 日本硏究 no.62(2025) : 31-48.doi: 10.20404/jscau.2024.08.62.31