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Launched in December 1980, the institute's journal "Japan Research" has been selected as a registered journal of the Korea Research Foundation since 2011, providing an opportunity to get closer to researchers and readers. As of December 2020, it has been evolving day by day.  Japan is more than just a foreign country for us, just as there is no country that has no special love or hatred for each other. Like it or not, Japan is a country where we have to cooperate, compete and deal with in various fields. This has been and will not change in the future.  In addition, Japan has experienced many similarities with Korea in terms of cultural background and social structure, and numerous social changes since modern times have been experienced some time ahead of Korea. The study of failure factors as well as success factors in Japan can teach us valuable lessons.  The Institute of Chung-Ang University was established with the aim of accumulating objective and in-depth research on Japanese language, literature, history, politics, economy, society, culture, and law to raise the level of domestic Japanese research and find ways to make useful use of such research results in national and social development.  The main activities of the laboratory are as follows: 1) Hold domestic and international academic conferences, seminars, and lectures aimed at in-depth Japanese research 2) Performing research tasks of domestic and international academic foundations and funds 3) Publication of regular academic journals and data books 4) Academic exchange with domestic and international university-affiliated research institutes and related institutions 5) Co-hosting various performances in cooperation with various cultural and artistic organizations in Japan

Editor-in-Chief more

Ku, Jeon-ho

(Chung-Ang University)

Citation Index more

  • KCI IF(2yr) : 0.41
  • KCI IF(5yr) : 0.24
  • Centrality Index(3yr) : 0.511
  • Immediacy Index : 0.0

Current Issue : 2025, Vol., No.62 more

A study of evaluation items and criteria for assessing and measuring language proficiency —for JLPT, JPT, FLEX, and CEFR—
KIMDongkyu | 2025, (62) | pp.7~30 | number of Cited : 0
A Study on the Duality of “Siyoganai”
Kim,Young-Min | 2025, (62) | pp.31~48 | number of Cited : 0
The Use of Directive Expressions in Japan’s Disaster Broadcasting - Focusing on the press conference of the heavy rain emergency warning -
kim jong wan | 2025, (62) | pp.49~67 | number of Cited : 0

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