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2012, Vol., No.35

A Study on the Flexible Selling Disputes in the Qing period - Focus on the Supplement Payment and Redemption Case in the Qianlong Reign
허혜윤 | 2012, (35) | pp.5~29 | number of Cited : 1
The State Administration of the NGOs in Contemporary China
Ahn Chi-Young | 2012, (35) | pp.31~64 | number of Cited : 11
A Case Study about Chaebol and State Power's repression to Korea-Chinese:The A-Seo-Won(雅敍園)'s lawsuit
이용재 | 2012, (35) | pp.65~108 | number of Cited : 4
Building a Foundation for the Tradition of Humanistic Chinese Study -The publication and significance of Collection of Chinese Newspaper Articles and Selections in China’s Land Laws and Policy Documents
Kim Ji Hwan | 2012, (35) | pp.109~155 | number of Cited : 0
Development and Transition of Chinese Family Practices : Significance and Compilation of Chinese Family Source Book
Kyungsuk Park , Yoowho Song , Seunghee Son | 2012, (35) | pp.157~200 | number of Cited : 0
Reexamination of Balhae’s Revivalism
나영남 | 2012, (35) | pp.201~242 | number of Cited : 3
Imprinting and Distribution of Yuan Tripitaka of the Late Goryeo
park,yong-jin | 2012, (35) | pp.243~277 | number of Cited : 8
The Character and Meaning of excavated China`s Blue and White Porcelain in Korean Peninsula
Lee, Jong-min | 2012, (35) | pp.279~321 | number of Cited : 11
Inserting Advertisement in『Empire Newspaper』 by General Readers of Daehan Empire and A Social Aspect
JANG YOUNG-SOOK | 2012, (35) | pp.323~359 | number of Cited : 9
戰國 楚의 封爵制 고찰
Min, Hooki | 2012, (35) | pp.361~394 | number of Cited : 3
A Study on Deification of Guan Yu and Aspect of ‘Guan Yu play’ in Qing dynasty
You Jinhee | 2012, (35) | pp.395~424 | number of Cited : 2
The formation of Taiwanese teacher training system And its changes in Japanese colonial period
김은경 | 2012, (35) | pp.425~457 | number of Cited : 1
A Historical Survey of the Leadership of Julius Caesar
Kim Kyung Hyun | 2012, (35) | pp.459~489 | number of Cited : 2
Reflection on the unilateral ordeal around Saumur in the XIth and the XIIth centuries
Jeong-Min Lee | 2012, (35) | pp.491~522 | number of Cited : 3
Intermarriages as demonstration of modern ethnical processes among Koreans of Kazakhstan in 1990s
Natalya Yem | 2012, (35) | pp.523~550 | number of Cited : 0