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Information for Authors

1. Limited to research papers on Chinese culture and Chinese cultural studies.

2. The papers should not have been published in other journals. 

3. The manuscript should be approximately 100 pages on 200 square writing paper and shall not exceed 130 pages.

4. Although, in principle, manuscripts must be written in Korean, manuscripts written in Chinese or English may also be submitted. However, authors whose native language is Korean cannot submit papers in Chinese or English.

5. Authors (including co-authors) should clearly state their affiliations and positions in the paper.

6. Submitted papers are not returned.

7. Authors must add their name, title, summary (more than 20 lines), and keywords (more than 5 words) in English.

8. The manuscript should be written using the Hangul 2007 (or advanced) program.

9. Authors must attach a “Copyright Utilization Agreement,” giving the association the right to copyright the published paper.

10. Authors (including co-authors) must attach the results of the “Korean Citation Index (KCI) Paper Similarity Test” for the submitted paper and may not submit papers that have a similarity of 30% or more.