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2012, Vol.8, No.6

Determinants and Management of Disaster Risk in Korea: Focus on Si, Gun, Gu Model
Bae, Chon-jik | 2012, 8(6) | pp.1~29 | number of Cited : 3
The U. S. Counter-Cyber Terrorism: Recent Trends and Its Lessons
Park Dong Kyun , Taemin Kim | 2012, 8(6) | pp.31~49 | number of Cited : 9
Development of Technique for Evaluating Streamflow Depletion in the Urbanized Small and Midium Watershed
전상미 , Park,Jae-Hyeon , Park, Chang-kun | 2012, 8(6) | pp.51~65 | number of Cited : 1
Application of Technique for Evaluating Streamflow Depletion in the Urbanized Small and Midium Watershed: Gyeongancheon, Wangsukcheon
전상미 , Park,Jae-Hyeon , Park, Chang-kun | 2012, 8(6) | pp.67~81 | number of Cited : 4
Analysis on Foot-and-Mouth Disease Crisis in the Daily News Reporting: Focused on Analysis of Quantitative Feature, Frame, and Contents
Yang Gi Geun | 2012, 8(6) | pp.83~105 | number of Cited : 14
An Analysis on the Safety Management Condition and the R&D Researchers’ Safety Perception in National University
최진아 , Lee, Jae Eun | 2012, 8(6) | pp.107~127 | number of Cited : 3
A Study on the Analysis for the Factors of Disaster Management System
Kim, Gyeung-Ho , Sung, Do Kyung , Lee Ji Young | 2012, 8(6) | pp.129~148 | number of Cited : 5
A Development of Korean and US University Consumers’ Food Safety Attitude-Behavior Model
Yoo Hyun-jung | 2012, 8(6) | pp.149~169 | number of Cited : 14
A Study about the Wireless Combinational Single Detector by the Alarm Method which Informs Whole Floors
이영철 , 송윤석 | 2012, 8(6) | pp.171~182 | number of Cited : 0
Improving Multicultural Attitudes of Korean Adolescents in Response to the Crisis of Multiculturalism: International Comparison and Exploration of Factors Affecting Multicultural Receptivity
김준홍 | 2012, 8(6) | pp.183~209 | number of Cited : 24
The Effect of Police Activity on Fear of Crime: Hierarchical Model Approach
Ryu Junhyuk | 2012, 8(6) | pp.211~234 | number of Cited : 20
A Study on Self-esteem and Influencing Factors of Adults by Life Cycle: Comparison of Young, Middle-aged and Elderly
정인희 | 2012, 8(6) | pp.235~250 | number of Cited : 46
Comparative Analysis on Safety Perception and Safety Management Service Evaluation among Korea, China, Japan, and USA
Yoo Hyun-jung , Lee, Jae Eun | 2012, 8(6) | pp.251~267 | number of Cited : 1