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2013, Vol.9, No.5

Influencing Facors on Impact of Event in Firefighters
Hee Sook Kim , 이호진 , Park Gyeong Ran | 2013, 9(5) | pp.1~16 | number of Cited : 7
Consumer Information and Education Strategy of the Endocrine-disruptors(EDCs) for Effective Risk Communication
Kim,Sung Sook , 홍연금 | 2013, 9(5) | pp.17~40 | number of Cited : 5
The Private Investigator Industry in the United States : The Present and Future
Park Dong Kyun , Park ki beom | 2013, 9(5) | pp.41~56 | number of Cited : 8
Developing on the Public Announcement Program of Emergency Management Capability in Local Governments
유병태 , Keumho Oh | 2013, 9(5) | pp.57~70 | number of Cited : 12
President Roh Moo-hyun Died: Secret of Subjects Means That the Psychological State
김화수 , Sunggu Jo , Kim, Dong-Je | 2013, 9(5) | pp.71~86 | number of Cited : 1
Study on Developing Guideline Manual for Ground Fire Fighting on Forest Fire Occurrence Site: Case Study on the Duties of SamCheok City Ground Fire Fighters
권춘근 , Lee Si Young | 2013, 9(5) | pp.87~102 | number of Cited : 0
Analysis of the Characteristics of the River Bed Variation for Gagok Down Stream Considering Flood Season
Seungjin Maeng , 이승욱 , 황길순 and 1 other persons | 2013, 9(5) | pp.103~116 | number of Cited : 4
Development of Flood Risk Management for Changkyung Palace, Korea
Lee, Hyosang , Jung Sung Heuk , Lee, Ho-Jin | 2013, 9(5) | pp.117~136 | number of Cited : 0
A Study on the Efficient Application Plans of Bicycle Patrol System
Jeon, Dae-yang , Kim, Jong-Oh | 2013, 9(5) | pp.137~152 | number of Cited : 0
Theories of Explaining Causes of Large Scale Blackouts: Current Literature and a Future Research Framework
Park, Hyunsoo | 2013, 9(5) | pp.153~186 | number of Cited : 0