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2014, Vol.10, No.3

An Empirical Study on Factors that Influence Social Acceptability of Nuclear Energy: Focusing on the Mediation Effectiveness of ROK-US Atomic Energy Agreement
Kim, Ju-Kyong , Dae-Yoo Go , Kim Young-Gon and 1 other persons | 2014, 10(3) | pp.1~24 | number of Cited : 9
Set the Direction of the Competent Authorities of the Private Investigation Business
Sunggu Jo , 박주상 , Kim, Dong-Je | 2014, 10(3) | pp.25~39 | number of Cited : 6
Relationship between Catchment Characteristics and PDMM Rainfall Runoff Model at Geum River Catchments
이소정 , 조원호 , Lee, Hyosang | 2014, 10(3) | pp.41~60 | number of Cited : 3
Analysis of the Erosion/Deposition in Debris Flow Using Terrestrial LiDAR Data
Jun Byong Hee , Jun Kye Won , Lee Soung Chul | 2014, 10(3) | pp.61~71 | number of Cited : 7
Establishment Way of Northeast Asian Cyber Crime Center for International Cyber ​​Crime
Jaehun Shin , kim sang woon | 2014, 10(3) | pp.73~93 | number of Cited : 2
The Effects of Functioning and Social Barriers on Perceived Stigma of the Disabled: Using WHODAS-Ⅱ
Shin, Eun-Kyoung , 탁순자 , Hyung-Ik Shin | 2014, 10(3) | pp.95~118 | number of Cited : 5
A Study on Establishment of Institutional System to Increase Safety of Levees and Drainage Culverts
강태욱 , Lee,Sang Ho , Lee, | 2014, 10(3) | pp.119~134 | number of Cited : 1
A Study on Identity of Fire Science and Possibility of Convergence Study
Ryu Sang Il , 고은별 , Yang Gi Geun | 2014, 10(3) | pp.135~147 | number of Cited : 5
The Protection System for Children of Disaster Management with the Case of the U. S. and Its Implications for Korea
Park Dong Kyun | 2014, 10(3) | pp.149~163 | number of Cited : 5
A Study on Improving the Provisional Budget System for Non-Establishment of Budgets: Focus on the Case Study of COSMOS Corporation
Chunsoon Kim , LEE DONG KYU | 2014, 10(3) | pp.165~192 | number of Cited : 0
A Study on legislation of the Fundamental Act on National Crisis Management
이채언 | 2014, 10(3) | pp.193~211 | number of Cited : 6