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2018, Vol.14, No.10

Human Resource Management to Overcome the Crisis During the Depression - A Relationship among Perceived Human Resource Management Justice, Self-Directed Learning, and Job Engagement -
Koo, Jung-Mo | 2018, 14(10) | pp.1~17 | number of Cited : 2
The Associations between Parenting Strain and Post-traumatic Growth among Mothers of Children with Developmental Disabilities - The Role of Family Impact as a Mediator -
Soo Kyung Park , Lee Sung Min , Jeong Ha Lee and 1 other persons | 2018, 14(10) | pp.19~39 | number of Cited : 6
A Comparative Analysis of Habitability Aspects of Temporary Shelters for Disaster Victims between South Korea and the U.S.
Yu Ra Choi , MIKYUNG KIM , SeonMi Choi | 2018, 14(10) | pp.41~56 | number of Cited : 0
Determining Emergency Levels According to Spillway Overflow Depth for Agricultural Reservoirs
Hyun Soo Choi , Ju Ha Hwang , Seungjin Maeng and 1 other persons | 2018, 14(10) | pp.57~71 | number of Cited : 1
Knowledge, Attitude and Practice of Hand Hygiene among High School Students in Korea
Kim Eun Ha | 2018, 14(10) | pp.73~86 | number of Cited : 2
Physical and Psychosocial Effects of War on Children
Nabil Mughal M. , Bae Jeong-Hwan | 2018, 14(10) | pp.87~102 | number of Cited : 0
A Trend of Feminine Leadership Research (1998-2018) - A Perspective of Traditional Leadership Crisis due to Social Change -
Seong Chan Park , Kim Eun Ha | 2018, 14(10) | pp.103~118 | number of Cited : 4