title={Modern Technological Religion and Christian Ethics: A Critical Reflection on the Posthuman Discourse of Transhumanism and GNR-Technology},
journal={The Korean Journal of Chiristian Social Ethics},
AU - ParkWanseok
TI - Modern Technological Religion and Christian Ethics: A Critical Reflection on the Posthuman Discourse of Transhumanism and GNR-Technology
JO - The Korean Journal of Chiristian Social Ethics
PY - 2024
VL - null
IS - 60
PB - The Society Of Korean Christian Social Ethics
SP - 251
EP - 290
SN - 1229-8387
AB - This paper examines the issues embedded in the posthuman discourse of transhumanism—such as the devaluation of life, distortion of human nature, ne-glect of finitude, reinforcement of elitism and eugenics, and the oversight of technological disparity—as it seeks to extend human lifespan, enhance physical capabilities, and ultimately overcome death through advanced technology. From a christian ethical perspective, this paper critiques the religious anthropology, soteriology, and eschatology implied in posthuman discourse. Furthermore, this study proposes the concept of ‘image of God(Imago Dei)’ as a theoretical foundation for human dignity and social justice in the age of advanced technology. This study suggests that the concept of image of God transcends the boundaries of specific religions, offering a universal value for the realization of human rights and social justice.
KW - Transhumanism;Posthuman;Homo Deus;Human Dignity;Technological Gap;Image of God
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ParkWanseok. (2024). Modern Technological Religion and Christian Ethics: A Critical Reflection on the Posthuman Discourse of Transhumanism and GNR-Technology. The Korean Journal of Chiristian Social Ethics, 60, 251-290.
ParkWanseok. 2024, "Modern Technological Religion and Christian Ethics: A Critical Reflection on the Posthuman Discourse of Transhumanism and GNR-Technology", The Korean Journal of Chiristian Social Ethics, no.60, pp.251-290.
ParkWanseok "Modern Technological Religion and Christian Ethics: A Critical Reflection on the Posthuman Discourse of Transhumanism and GNR-Technology" The Korean Journal of Chiristian Social Ethics 60 pp.251-290 (2024) : 251.
ParkWanseok. Modern Technological Religion and Christian Ethics: A Critical Reflection on the Posthuman Discourse of Transhumanism and GNR-Technology. 2024; 60 : 251-290.
ParkWanseok. "Modern Technological Religion and Christian Ethics: A Critical Reflection on the Posthuman Discourse of Transhumanism and GNR-Technology" The Korean Journal of Chiristian Social Ethics no.60(2024) : 251-290.
ParkWanseok. Modern Technological Religion and Christian Ethics: A Critical Reflection on the Posthuman Discourse of Transhumanism and GNR-Technology. The Korean Journal of Chiristian Social Ethics, 60, 251-290.
ParkWanseok. Modern Technological Religion and Christian Ethics: A Critical Reflection on the Posthuman Discourse of Transhumanism and GNR-Technology. The Korean Journal of Chiristian Social Ethics. 2024; 60 251-290.
ParkWanseok. Modern Technological Religion and Christian Ethics: A Critical Reflection on the Posthuman Discourse of Transhumanism and GNR-Technology. 2024; 60 : 251-290.
ParkWanseok. "Modern Technological Religion and Christian Ethics: A Critical Reflection on the Posthuman Discourse of Transhumanism and GNR-Technology" The Korean Journal of Chiristian Social Ethics no.60(2024) : 251-290.