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The Formation and Development of Ddakjibon Popular Novels

  • Journal of Popular Narrative
  • 2006, (15), pp.7-52
  • Publisher : The Association of Popular Narrative
  • Research Area : Interdisciplinary Studies > Interdisciplinary Research





The Formation and Development of Ddakjibon Popular Novels Kang, Ok-Hee This article/essay/thesis will define the modern-inclined literary works published after 1910 in old print. Furthermore it will organize and categorize works that have been lost and the characteristics of such novels will be examined. Ddakjibon Popular Novels have been referred to as youkjeon novels or ddakjibons and was regarded as inferior literary works. Thus they were neglected in the studies of literary history and research. Though Ddakjibon Novels suceeded commercially and formed a modern general multitude of readers, reacting sensitively to the taste of public and thus is very significant, even the most basic bibliography had not been compiled. 1920s and the 1930s were the zeniths/pinnacles of Ddakjibon Popular Novels, with 'sechangseokwan's xylographic books leading the way. Ddakjibon Popular Novels published by 'sechangseokwan' appealed not to the elite, but to the public with inexpensive prices and literary works that properly addressed the interests of readers. Though Ddakjibon Popular Novels where actively issued during the colonial times and remained in existence until the 1960s, the experiences and values of the public had changed and consequently its downfall commenced after the Independence. Since Ddakjibon Popular Novels were aimed, written and circulated to the common and general readers, it is possible to observe the contemporary readers' interests and their desired realities. The significance can be placed at the various ways the preference of readers appeared throughout the novels.

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* References for papers published after 2023 are currently being built.