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Editorial Policy

Article 1 (Purpose)

The purpose of this ethics regulation is to suggest the criteria that can secure the ethics of overall research actions for the papers submitted, and prevent research misconducts and verify the status of research misconduct fairly.


Article 2 (Definition of research misconduct)

'Research misconduct' refers to forgery, falsification and plagiarism in the planning, conducting, reviewing, or reporting of research results. The specific matters shall be based on the contents of Order No. 236 of the Ministry of Science and Technology on February 28, 2007.

1. 'Forgery' refers to the act of making false data or research results that do not exist.

2. 'Falsification' refers to the act of distorting the contents or results by artificially manipulating research materials, equipment, processes etc. or by arbitrarily modifying or deleting data.

3. ‘Plagiarism’ refers to the act of stealing the ideas, research contents, and results of others without proper approval or quotation.

4. 'Overlapping publication' refers to re-publishing a paper of which the content is exactly the same or almost the same as one’s paper already published in another journal without informing the editor or reader of the existence of one's own paper already published.

5. 'Other misconduct' refers to the act of deliberately obstructing the investigation of one’s paper, or other misconduct, or harming the informant.


Article 3 (Responsibility and duties of researcher)

1. (Joint research) The researcher shall clarify the role and interaction and fulfill the responsibility when conducting the joint research with other researchers. Before starting the research, mutual agreement and understanding shall be made on the goals and expectations of research tasks, individual roles in cooperative relationships, how to collect, store and share data, author decisions and ranking criteria, selection of principal researcher, intellectual property rights and ownership issues.

2. The communication author or the responsible author shall be fully responsible for indicating data and must also be responsible for the management and supervision of the research of the co-author.

3. Researchers must not be influenced by the interests of the research funding institution, and all interests related to the research must specify in the research results.

4. Researchers should enhance the credibility of research by accurately revealing author information, such as the researcher's affiliation and position, in the research results.

5.  If the corresponding author or the responsible author is a co-researcher and includes a person with a special relationship (a minor or a family member such as a spouse or child, etc), the corresponding author or the responsible author must notify the Editorial Committee before submission. And you must respond to the editorial board's request for clarification regarding the research contribution of a person with a special relationship.

6.  In the case of studies on human research, with the exception of research exemption from review, the IRB (Institutional Review Board) approval of the affiliated institution must be obtained, and approval evidence must be submitted together when submitting a manuscript.

7.  We highly recommend the researcher who submitted the paper in this journal regularly completes ‘Research ethics education’ conducted by the affiliate institution or ‘Cyber research ethics education’ provided by National Institute of Science and Technology Human Resources Development(KIRD)(https://cyber.kird.re.kr).



Article 4 (Installation of Research ethics committee and its authority)

1. The research ethics committee (hereinafter referred to as “committee”) shall be established in the research institute to review matters related to research ethics. The editing committee may substitute its function in the committee.

2. The committee shall govern over all processes for alleged misconduct in research activities.

3. After conducting the investigation on issues reported for violating the of ethics regulations, the commission may award the appropriate sanctions when the violation of ethics regulations is judged to be true.


Article 5 (Formation of Research ethics committee)

1. The Committee shall consist of a maximum of 10 members, including the director, editorial chairman, editorial members, and assistant administrator.

2. The Editorial chairman of this journal shall take the position of chairman.

3. The members shall be appointed by the Editorial chairman and his term of office shall be four years, he may serve consecutive terms.


Article 6 (Operation of Research ethics committee)

1. The committee shall be convened by the chairman when the chairman judges to be necessary or when the director requires it.

2. The Committee shall be established by a majority of attending members and vote by a majority of attending members. However, the power of attorney shall be recognized as attendance in the establishment of the committee but shall not be granted voting rights.

3. Members who are involved in the study subject to the target of review shall not participate in the review related to the study.

4. The chairman may request the Research Director or the Management Manager to submit or report data, if necessary for deliberation, and may request opinions about research misconduct from outside experts.

5. Members shall keep confidentiality on all matters related to deliberation and meetings shall not open to the public.

6. The committee shall review and decide any reported ethical breaches within 50 days of their receipt.


Article 7 (Function of Research ethics committee)

Thecommittee shall deliberate and resolve the following matters.

1. Charges raised about the ethics and integrity of research related to this journal.

2. Investigation of research misconduct related to this journal.

3. Matters for the Prevention of research misconduct in relation with this Journal.

4. Other matters to be discussed by the director and chairman.


Article 8 (How to raise questions and preserve evidence in relation with research ethics)

1. Issues concerning research ethics may be reported in real names to the director of the Institute, the editorial chairman of the journal or the editor of the journal by oral, written, email and other possible means.

2. The editorial member is obliged to review the research misconduct in relation with the paper submitted to the journal, if the research misconduct is recognized, it shall be reported to the committee in consultation with the editorial chairman.

3. The result of the investigation shall be reported to the institute, and the records shall be kept in the institute for three years from the end of the processing.

4. The institute has the duty to protect the informer from personal disadvantage, discrimination in working conditions, undue pressure or harm, such as disciplinary action, for reporting misconduct, and shall take necessary measures.

5. The information concerning the identity of the informer is not subject to disclosure, and if the informer is disadvantaged under clause 4 or has an identity exposure against his or her will, the relevant institution in charge of receiving the report shall be held responsible for it.

6. If the informant wants to know the investigation procedure and schedule after the report of misconduct, he or she may request the report receiving institution or the research ethics committee in charge of the investigation and the relevant institution shall respond faithfully.

7. The informant who reports it, even though he or she knew or may know it was false, shall not be included in the target of protection.


Article 9 (Processing on research misconduct)

1. Persons suspected of research misconduct shall have the right to raise the counter opinion on the result of the committee and the committee shall ensure an opportunity for reconsideration.

2. A submitter judged to have used research misconduct is not allowed to publish an academic journal. In the case of already published papers, they shall be deleted from the academic journal's paper list.

3. Within 10 days of the final ruling, the fact of research misconduct shall be notified to the affiliate institution of the person who is involved in research misconduct through an official document.

4. When it is confirmed that the co-author who is a person with a special relationship has misconduct, the author, who is a person with a special relationship is a related institution (school related to entrance examination and admission, research related institution, etc.) which has benefited from the thesis. So the fact of the research misconduct of a person with a special relationship should be notified within 10 days.

5.  The authors whose papers were judged to be have research misconduct may take measures such as warning, suspension or deprivation of the qualification of paper submission. Since then, the publication of academic papers shall be prohibited for at least five years.

6. The related facts are notified in the research institute's homepage and the first academic journal published after the research misconduct is confirmed.


Article 10 (Re-deliberation)

1. If the authors whose papers were judged to have research misconduct disobey the committee's decision, the author may request a re-deliberation in writing to the committee within thirty days from the date of notification of the decision.

2. Re-deliberation shall be made within seven days after receiving the request for re-deliberation and notify the author of the results within thirty days.


Article 11 (Compliance with research ethics regulations and verification of plagiarism)

1. All the authors shall submit pledges to comply with the ethical code of researchers in relation with compliance with research ethics regulations when submitting the paper.

2. When submitting a paper, researchers shall also submit 'Literature similarity checks results' after conducting similarity checks provided by the Academic Research Foundation (KCI). The editorial committee can decide whether to reject the submission If KCI paper similarity checks discovers the similarity is more than 10 percent.

* The KCI similarity checks can be conducted free of charge from the 'Paper similarity checks' menu at the top of the main screen after accessing the KCI homepage (www.kci.go.kr).

3. The papers of which plagiarism are suspected shall be re-conduct through paper similarity checks by the editorial committee.