The donated umbilical cord blood bank is a place where umbilical cord and umbilical cord blood, which exist in the placenta, are stored free of charge during the delivery of newborns. Unlike family cord blood banks, cord blood from donated cord blood banks can be used by anyone, including donors, to treat incurable diseases. However, umbilical cord blood donation has been decreasing in line with the recent decline in fertility rates. In this situation, this study conducted a quantitative analysis of the big data of media articles for five and a half years from 2018 to the first half of 2023 to find the PR status and problems of the donation blood bank and effective PR plan. In addition, a qualitative analysis was conducted through in-depth interviews targeting fertile (PR public), and who are the subjects of the actual donation behavior. As a result of the analysis, there were few media reports on the donation of blood, and it was found that Fertile not only had a low awareness of umbilical cord blood donation but also a very low willingness to donate. These results suggest that more systematic and integrated PR activities are needed to revitalize the donation of blood in the future.