Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences 2023 KCI Impact Factor : 0.39
pISSN : 1598-4230 / eISSN : 2586-7601
pISSN : 1598-4230 / eISSN : 2586-7601
Policy on Research Misconduct
Chapter 1: General Provisions Article 1. Purpose |
This policy is designed to prevent the illegitimate research behavior of members and to present the basic principles and direction necessary to observe the ethical regulations for research papers by establishing the ethical standards for submitted/presented/inserted (prearranged) research papers in the journal Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences (hereinafter “this learned journal” or SHSS) published by the Institute of Humanities and Social Sciences of Honam University (hereinafter “this learned institute” or IHSS). |
Article 2. Scope of Application |
This policy will be applied to all members submitting manuscripts and to all works published by this learned institute. |
Chapter 2: Ethical Regulations Article 3. Basis |
All authors presenting and submitting written materials shall offer them on the basis of their dedication to the goal of academic development and societal betterment per the articles of association of this learned institute, and therefore shall observe these ethical regulations. |
Article 4. Definition of Terms and of Violations |
§1. Behavior against scholarly ethics (hereinafter “illegal behavior”) is comprised of fake/falsification/plagiarism/self-plagiarism/improper indication of the paper’s author(s) and similar activities that occur at any point in a paper under offer to this learned journal. Specifically: 1. “Fake” refers to any behavior that falsely represents research results or refers to non-existent data. 2. “Falsification” means behavior that distorts the contents or results of research, whether one’s own or others’, by manipulating the research material, 3. “Plagiarism” refers to behavior that uses the ideas, content, results, or other unique elements of others’ research without proper citation and without the 4. “Self-plagiarism” refers to behavior that reuses a substantial part of material previously offered by an author (or one of two or more co-authors) and 5. “Improper indication of the paper’s author(s)” refers to behavior that that does not correlate actual authorship with the names of authors as submitted to |
Article 5. Obligation for Observance of Ethical Regulations |
The members of this learned institute shall agree that they will observe the ethical regulations when they submit proposed articles. |
Article 6. Ethics Committee |
Adjudication of issues arising from suspected illegal behavior as described in Article 4, as well as any other behavior that may raise ethical concerns even if not specifically enumerated, will be carried out by a specially created ethics committee to be composed of nine members. The chair shall be the director of this learned institute; other members shall be appointed on the recommendation of any officer of the IHSS. |
Article 7. Ethics Committee Meetings |
The ethics committee chair will convene and lead committee meetings whenever a significant issue involving suspected illegal behavior arises. Deliberations require the presence of a majority of committee members. Decisions require the approval of two thirds (2/3) of the members present. In cases that the chair determines, after informal discussion with committee members, involve only trivial infractions or issues, the chair may choose not to convene a meeting but instead submit the issue for written deliberation and dispensation by committee members. |
Article 8. Investigation Committee and Request for Submission of Data |
The ethics committee can select a smaller investigation committee from among its members to closely examine all relevant material. Either the full ethics committee or the investigation committee can request any informant regarding putative illegal behavior, the author(s) under examination (hereinafter “examinee”), and any witnesses or others offering testimony for additional data. If such a request is made the examinee must comply. |
Article 9. Confidentiality and Protection of the Rights of Informants and Examinees |
§1. Ethics Committee members or others involved from this learned institute are not allowed to expose the identity of an informant directly or indirectly, and the informant’s name shall not appear in any investigative report. resolution, and measures taken, shall be maintained in secret until the verification process for the illegal behavior is completed. Persons directly or |
Article 10. Raising of Objections and Guaranteeing Rights of Defense |
The ethics committee shall inform all relevant persons in advance of relevant procedures, and shall guarantee to the examinee the right and opportunity to state opinions, to raise objections, and to offer a defense. |
Article 11. Judgement |
§1. The ethics committee shall deliberate and adjudicate based on the evidence presented, including objections raised and defense(s) offered, and then notify the informant and examinee of the results. §2. If a final adjudication of the results of the investigation does not emerge from a consensus among committee members, it will be decided by a formal §3. If the informant or the examinee protests against the committee’s adjudication of the results of the investigation, the informant or examinee can request §4. Review of the propriety of the reason for requesting re-deliberation and a decision on whether to proceed with it will be made through informal polling of §5. If such a re-deliberation process is launched, the entire process shall be completed within thirty (30) days, after which the informant and examinee will be |
Chapter 3: Measures after Verification of Illegal Behavior Article 12. Results of Deliberations Leading to a Recommendation for Disciplinary Measures |
The ethics committee, on the basis of a majority of its members being present and with the approval of at least two thirds (2/3) of members present, can recommend disciplinary measures to the director of this learned society. The director shall decide the proper disciplinary measure and notify the author(s) involved of the decision. |
Article 13. Levels and Types of Disciplinary Measure |
§1. The ethics committee recommendations and the director’s decisions with regard to disciplinary measures shall be made through reference to the following levels and types of disciplinary measure, as appropriate: 1. Notice: To inform the author(s) of the relevant paper of the determination of illegal behavior and to formally request better attention to the infraction in 2. Warning: To inform the author(s) of the relevant paper of the determination of illegal behavior, to formally request better attention to the infraction in 3. Reprimand: To inform the author(s) of the relevant paper of the determination of illegal behavior, to withdraw the paper from inclusion in this learned §2. In the case of plagiarism, the director of this learned institute shall, after taking one of the above disciplinary measures, deliver an official letter of §3. When the disciplinary measure includes withdrawal and an article to be withdrawn has been published prior to final determination by the ethics §4. The ethics committee shall next notify the Korea Research Foundation of its determination that the relevant work involved illegal behavior as §5. In the case of a paper prepared with specified funding for research expenses, the ethics committee shall inform the research support agency |
Article 14. Disclosure of Record |
The final report on the committee’s deliberations and decisions can be disclosed after the adjudication process is completed, but information regarding the identity of informants, investigators, witnesses, testifiers, expert consultants in the field, etc., can be excluded from disclosure if any possibility exists of disadvantage to the persons involved. |
Article 15. Other Provisions |
Other matters not specifically addressed in this Policy shall comply with related national and international law and accepted academic practices. |
Supplementary Provision |
These revised regulations, in force since February 1, 2015 with minor modifications as of March 1, 2019, replace and supplement the regulations enforced since January 1, 2007. |