Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences 2023 KCI Impact Factor : 0.39
pISSN : 1598-4230 / eISSN : 2586-7601
pISSN : 1598-4230 / eISSN : 2586-7601
Guidelines for the Review of Submissions
Article 1. Author Qualifications |
§2. However, membership is completely open to anyone who registers with the Institute, and may be postponed until after a submission has been accepted §3. In the case of co-authored submissions, at least one author should register for membership with the Institute of Humanities and Social Sciences, if not §4. Special issues of the journal are exempt from the above qualifications. §5. An author, whether writing singly or as a co-author, can submit at most only two articles within twelve (12) months. |
Article 2. Reasons for Rejection of Submission Prior to Review |
The chief editor or editorial board may reject a submission prior to sending it out to outside peer reviewers for the following reasons: 1. Prior publication of a submission, whether in its entirety or in significant portions. 2. Commercially supported papers without direct acknowledgment and a statement of authorial independence. 3. Manuscripts without original research and/or analysis. 4. Manuscript size or style inconsistent with journal standards. |
Article 3. Criteria for Selection of Reviewers |
§2. Every submission should be sent to two peer reviewers. §3. A submitting author or co-author cannot be a reviewer of his or her own submission. §4. If a submitting author or co-author is a member of the editorial board of the journal, he or she is barred from participation in the selection of reviewers or |
Article 4. Criteria for the Review of Submissions |
1. Significance and suitability of the subject and clarity of the research purpose. 2. The quality and uniqueness of the research and its linkage with significant ongoing issues. 3. Soundness of the research methodology and construction of the argument. 4. Logical strictness of the research analysis. 5. Significance of the contribution of the submission’s research findings. 6. Observance of the journal’s regulations. |
Article 5. Review Process and Decision-Making Procedures |
Term-2, There are four possible decisons that each reviewer must submit to the editor-in-cheif who selected him or her 1) Acceptance as Submitted 2) Acceptance with Minor Revisions 3) Reconsideration after Major Revisions 4) Rejection |
Article 6. Revision Procedures after Initial Review |
§2. Revisions based on the reviewer-provided documentation should be sent to the editorial board, which shall determine whether the changes adequately §3. If the decision by both reviewers was reconsideration of a manuscript after major revisions, the manuscript can be resubmitted only once. If only one of §4. If a submission has been rejected, the editorial board has the option of declining to send out for review a future submission by the same author(s) if in §5. At any point in the editorial process after initial submission the editorial board can request or, in minor instances, initiate changes in spelling, punctuation, §6. In the case of submissions originally in Korean, the submission of a second version translated into English is required prior to simultaneous publication of |
Article 7. Publication of Regular and Special Issues |
§2. Regular issues are published on February 28, May 31, August 31, and November 30. §3. To accommodate the review process a submission originally in Korean must be received within sixty (60) days of a regular issue publication date for it to §4. Publication of special issues can be determined by the editorial board or through a request by outside parties. §5. Special issues will have the same review process as regular issues of the journal, except that at the editorial board’s discretion certain steps in the regular §6. The editorial board can invite guest editors for special issues. |
Article 8. Publication Priorities |
§2. The default languages of this journal are Korean and English. The author(s) of an article submitted in Korean must provide an English translation of the full §3. The editorial board at its discretion may authorize publication of an article written in another language, with titles, abstracts, and keywords translated into |
Article 9. Review and Publication Fees |
§2. Authors or chief authors residing outside the Republic of Korea may deduct any charges for international money transfers from the publication fees. §3. The special issue review and publication fees are the same as for regular issues. §4. Review and publication fees should be sent to the Honam University Institute of Humanities and Social Sciences account at the Korean Post Office Bank, |
Article 10. Additional Points |
§2. Every problem in the review and publication process shall be addressed by the editorial board, which retains full authority over the publication of the |