This study looked into the characteristics of basic cavalry tactics during the later Joseon period through Masangpyeongon utilized by cavalry during the later Joseon period, and how Masangpyeongon could be the essence of the then tactics. In particular, the study conducted not only literature research but also an analysis of actual arts delineated in Muye-dobo-tongji, and added a actual approach through the analysis and research.
While waging the Imjin Japanese Invasion, Joseon realized the limitations of cavalry tactics, and organized a hand-to-hand fight approach introduced from Ming, China. However, it became necessary to adopt cavalry tactics swift in attacks and defends against an alien nation in the northern area again during the Ching period as well as for the Byeongjahoran. Such a tendency was also shown in Gwangmuje, a sort of the state examination during the Joseon period, and the test subjects of Gwangmuje during the later Joseon period included various arts, involving Gichu and Pyeongon which were for actual wars, unlike during the early Joseon period.
Given the battle formation of Yonghoyeong composed of cavalry among other battle formations of Byeong-hak-tong which was published during the later Joseon period, and the tactics of cavalry during the battle, Masangpyeongon was approved to be a core assault weapon for cavalry during the late Joseon period. Furthermore, the battle formation which had been unique to cavalry, which was not shown in existing battle formation books, were diversely contained in Byeong-hak-tong. Therefore, cavalry was supposed to have consistently played a crucial role during the late Joseon period. When looking at the changes of military arts on horses during the early and late Joseon periods, Gichang had been mainly perceived as the core military arts in the preemptive strike and assault tactics during the early Joseon period, but Masangpyeongon was approved as the core of the military arts for cavalry assaults because of its rapid collection and easy portability during the later Joseon period.
This fact is clearly revealed when considering the basic armament condition of cavalry during the later Joseon period. It was because Masangpyeongon which had been utilized as Hwando, basic defensive weapons for the basic armament of cavalry and bow along with assault weapons which had been used for remote distance attacks, was clearly documented during the period.