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2016, Vol., No.98

Military Geographical Study on Su Dingfang’s Path of Attack on Baekje in AD 660
이재준 | 2016, (98) | pp.1~36 | number of Cited : 8
Renowned generals of Ancient & Gorea era in old literatures
Hosoo Jeon | 2016, (98) | pp.37~74 | number of Cited : 0
Re-exploration on the Meaning of Hongsan Battle in 1376 and its Battlefield
Lim, Hyung-soo | 2016, (98) | pp.75~104 | number of Cited : 1
The victory factors for General Lee’s initial battles and combat preparation from combat abilities.
이경식 | 2016, (98) | pp.105~160 | number of Cited : 6
Regal Power in Joseon and Dochechalsabu(都體察使府) in the Early Reign of Sukjong(肅宗)
Kim Jong Soo | 2016, (98) | pp.161~202 | number of Cited : 7
Understanding the Military Supplies of Northern Territory through historical manuscript in the 18th Century
Hyokyoung Kim , Hye-Eun Lee | 2016, (98) | pp.203~240 | number of Cited : 5
The January 28th Shanghai Incident, Yoon Bong Gil’s patriotic deeds, and Korea and China’s Joint Resistance
Lee Jaeryoung | 2016, (98) | pp.241~284 | number of Cited : 7
The Republic of Korea Army Officers’ Military studying-abroad in United States and Its Effects during the 1950s
Minsik Kim | 2016, (98) | pp.285~322 | number of Cited : 3
The Korean Government`s response And Return negotiation of the abduction by North Korea the 1950s
Hwang Sun-Ik | 2016, (98) | pp.323~360 | number of Cited : 2
The Red Cavalry and Its Employment in the Russian Civil War
LEE JEONG-HA | 2016, (98) | pp.361~394 | number of Cited : 2
The American-Spanish War and Political Cartoons in Press Media: Expansionism and Anti-Imperialism
Seok Huajeong | 2016, (98) | pp.395~432 | number of Cited : 0