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Akira Iriye
/ 1974
/ The Cold War in Asia:A Historical Introduction
/ Prentice-Hall
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Kimie Hara
/ 1999
/ Rethinking the ‘Cold War’ in the Asia-Pacific
/ The Pacific Review
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Melvyn Leffler
/ 1994
/ The Specter of Communism
/ Hill & Wang
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John L.Gaddis
/ 1997
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/ Clarendon Press
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Vladislav Zubok
/ 1996
/ Inside the Kremlin’s Cold War
/ Harvard University Press
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Vojtech Mastny
/ 1996
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/ Oxford University Press
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Melvyn Leffler
/ 1996
/ Inside Enemy Archives: the Cold War Reopended
/ Foreign Affairs
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/ 1974
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Geoffrey Roberts
/ 1994
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/ Europe-Asia Studies
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Milovan Djilas
/ 1962
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/ Harcourt, Brace & World Inc.
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Antonio Varsori
/ 2000
/ Reflections on the Origins of the Cold War; Reviewing the Cold War
/ Frank Cass
: 281~
Kimie Hara
/ Rethinking the ‘Cold War' in the Asia-Pacific
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Daniel Yergin
/ 1990
/ Shattered Peace:The Origins of the Cold War
/ Penguin
: 17~68
Vladislav Zubok
/ 1995
/ To Hell with Yalta-Stalin Opts for a New Status Quo
/ Cold War International History Project(CWIHP) Bulletin
: 24~
Marc S.Callicchio
/ 1988
/ The Cold War Begins in Asia:American East Asian Policy and the Fall of the Japanese Empire
/ Columbia University Press
: 137~138
Edward R.Stettinius
/ 1949
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/ Doubleday
: 351~352
Louis Morton
/ 1962
/ Soviet Intervention in the War with Japan
/ Foreign Affairs
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/ 1945
/ Stalin to Truman, Foreign Relations of the United States(FRUS), Vol. 6
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/ 1945
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: 670~
Boris N. Slavinsky
/ 1993
/ The Soviet Occupation of the Kuril Islands and the Plans for the Capture of Northern Hokkaido
/ Japan Forum
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/ 1945
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: 103~
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/ 1947
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: 609~
/ 1947
/ Propposed Three-Year Program for the Rehabilitation of South Korea, Hodge to Marshall, 25 February 1947, box 67, Hodge's Office File, RG 338
/ CWIHP Bulletin, Vol.5
: 7~8
/ 1949
/ 한국전쟁 관련 러시아 외교문서, 1949년 8월 12일
/ 1995
/ Gromyko to Shtykov, 27 October 1949 in Kathryn Weathersby, The Soviet Role in the Early Phase of the Korean War
/ Journal of American-East Asian Relations
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/ 1948
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George F. Kennan
/ 1967
/ Memoirs, 1925-1950
/ Pantheon
: 359~
/ 1983
/ United States Policy Toward China, 15 September 1948; The State Department Policy Planning Staff Papers, Vol.1
/ Garland Publishing,Inc.
Kimie Hara
/ Rethinking the ‘Cold War’ in the Asia-Pacific
: 517,520~
Sergei N. Goncharov
/ 1993
/ Uncertain Partners
/ Stanford University Press
: 67~68
/ 1949
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/ CWIHP Bulletin
: 5~7
/ 1949
/ Coversation between Stalin and Mao
/ CWIHP Bulletin
: 7~9
/ 1998
/ 한국전쟁의 기원과 전개과정
/ 두레
: 153~
John Louis Gaddis
/ 1987
/ The Long Peace
/ Oxford University Press
: 215~245