Michael Howard
/ 1988
/ The United Nations and International Security; United Nations, Divided World: The UN's Roles in International Relations
/ Clarendon Paperbacks
: 31~
Adam Roberts
/ 1993
/ The United Nations and International Security
/ Survival
: 23~
/ 1988
/ 국제기구 연구시각의 변천에 관한 고찰
/ 국제정치논총
: 220~
Gye-Dong Kim
/ 1993
/ Foreign Intervention in Korea
/ Dartmouth Publishing Company
: 65~82
/ 1947
/ Memorandum from Robert T. Oliver, 5 August 1947, DS Records, 740.00119 Control(Korea)/8-1147, Box3829A, RG59, NA(National Archive, 미국가문서보관소)
/ 1947
/ Jacobs to Marshall, Nos.292 & 320, 21 August & 8 September 1947, FRUS (Foreign Relations of the United States)
: 760~761,783
/ SWNCC 176/30, 4 August 1947, FRUS 1947, 6:738-41; Hilldring to Marshall, 6 August 1947, FRUS 1947, 6:742-743
/ Lovett to Embassy in the Soviet Union, Nos.1646 & 1738, 26 August & 16 September 1947, FRUS 1947, 6:771-774 & 790
/ 1947
/ Molotov to Marshall, 4 September 1947, FRUS
: 779~781
US Senate
/ 1953
/ The United States and the Korean Problems, Documents, 1943-1953, Senate Document 74, 83rd Cong., 1st sess. 30 July 1953
: 10~11
Peter Lowe
/ 1986
/ Origins of the Korean War
/ Longman
: 37~
/ 1948
/ Department of State, Korea 1945-1948: A Report on Political Development and Economic Resources with Selected Documents, Far Eastern Series 28, October
: 50~51
/ 1947
/ United Nations, Official Record, First Committee of the General Assembly, Second Session
: 248~252
United Nations
/ 1947
/ Official Record, First Committee of the General Assembly, Second Session
: 281~282
UN Document
/ 1948
/ A/575, add 1, pp.37-39; Marshall to Langdon, No.5, 6, January 1948, FRUS
: 1083~
/ 1948
/ 24 January 1948, UN Document, A/AC 18/27, 17 February 1948; Department of State, Korea 1945-1948
: 69~70
/ 1948
/ N Document, A/AC 18/28, 18 February 1948
/ 1948
/ Keesing's Contemporary Archives, 27 March-3 April
: 9191~
/ UN Document, A/AC 18/28; A/AC 18/31; A/AC 18/SR 9.
William Whitney Stueck Jr.
/ 1981
/ The Road to Confrontation: American Policy Toward China and Korea, 1947-1950
/ University of North Carolina Press
: 96~
/ 1948
/ Department of State, Bulletin, 7 March 1948
: 297~298
/ 1948
/ 19/W22/Add. 5; Pravda, 18 March 1948; Kim Yong-Jeung, The Cold War: Korean Elections
/ Far Eastern Survey
: 101~
Carl Berger
/ 1964
/ The Korea Knot:A Military and Political History
/ University of Pennsylvania Press
: 79~80
/ 1995
/ 미군정기의 외교 in: 한국외교사 Ⅱ
/ 집문당
: 305~
/ 1958
/ Seoul Times, 4 June 1948; UN Document, A/AC 19/W 39/Add. 4-8; Lee Tong-Won, “Korea and the United Nations”, D. Phil Thesis submitted to the University of Oxford
: 108~109
George M. McCune
/ 1950
/ Korea Today
/ Harvard University Press
: 229~230
Department of State
/ Korea 1945-1948
: 15~
Benjamin Weems
/ 1948
/ Behind the Korean Election
/ Far Eastern Survey
: 142~143,147
/ 1993
/ 미군점령 4년사
/ 한울
: 274~
/ 1948
/ An Official Analysis of the Korean Election
/ Far Eastern Survey
: 147~
/ 1948
/ McCune, Korea Today, p.229; Jacobs to Marshall, Nos.350 & 351, 13 May 1948, FRUS
: 1195~1198
/ 2000
/ 한반도의 분단과 전쟁: 민족분열과 국제 개입·갈등
/ 서울대출판부
: 157~195
/ 1949
/ Army Department memorandum, 27 June 1949, FRUS 7:2:1047-10
: 1047~1048
/ 1950
/ Department of State, Bulletin, 13 January 1950
/ 1994
/ 국제평화기구로서 유엔역할의 한계
/ 국제정치논총
: 102~
Department of State
/ 1950
/ United States Policy in the Korean Crisis
/ Far Eastern Series
: 11~
Robert J.Donovan,Tumultuous Years:The Presidency of Harry S.Truman
/ 1983
/ 1949-1953
/ Norton
: 187~
/ 1994
/ 유엔정치론
/ 법문사
: 99~106
/ 1992
/ 현대 국제기구정치론: 국제정치의 과업체계
/ 법문사
: 80~
/ 1950
/ Noyes memorandum, 25 June 1950, FRUS
: 144~147
Trygve Lie
/ 1954
/ In the Cause of Peace
/ The Macmillan Co.
: 330~
Joseph C.Goulden
/ 1982
/ Korea:The Untold Story of the War
/ Times Book
: 64~
Karunakar Gupta
/ 1972
/ How did the Korean War Begin?
/ The China Quarterly
: 702~703
/ 1950
/ Moscow to Foreign Office, No.524, 26 June 1950, FK1015/24, FO371/84056, PRO (Public Record Office: 영국 공문서 보관소)
/ 1950
/ Foreign Office memorandum, 26 June 1950, FK1015/62, FO371/84058, PRO
/ 1950
/ UN Document S/1501, 25 June 1950
Robert J. Donovan
/ 1983
/ Tumultuous Years: The Presidency of Harry S. Truman, 1949-1953
/ Norton
: 199~
/ 1950
/ Intelligence Estimate, I.E.No.7, 25 June 1950, FRUS
: 148~154
James F. Schnabel
/ 1978
/ History of the Joint Chiefs of Staff: The Joint Chiefs of Staff and National Policy, Vol.3, The Korean War, Part 1 and Part 2, Historical Division, Joint Secritariat, Joint Chiefs of Staff
: 78~80
/ 1950
/ Jessup memorandum, 25 June 1950, FRUS
: 157~158
David Rees
/ 1964
/ Korea:The Limited War
/ Macmillan
: 24~
/ 1992
/ 현대 국제기구정치론: 국제정치의 과업체계
/ 법문사
: 230~
Gye-Dong Kim
/ 1990
/ Diplomacy of Constraint and Cooperation: The British Decision to Intervene in the Korean War
/ Korea Observer
: 199~204
/ 1993
/ 신국제기구론
/ 박영사
: 113~
/ 1984
/ 국제기구를 통한 분쟁(갈등)해결에 관한 검토: 국제연합의 평화유지 노력을 중심으로
/ 국제기구논총
: 36~
/ 2000
/ 한반도의 분단과 전쟁: 민족분열과 국제개입?갈등
/ 서울대출판부
: 318~320
/ 1956
/ UN Document S/1501 & 1511, 25 & 27 June 1950; Harry S. Truman, Memoirs: Years of Trial and Hope(Vol.2)
/ Doubleday & Co.
: 341~
/ 1950
/ Allison to Rusk, 1 July 1950, FRUS
: 272~
/ 1950
/ Franks to Foreign Office, 4 July 1950, FK1015/86G, FO371/84059, PRO
/ 1950
/ CIA memorandum, 18 August 1950, FRUS
: 600~602
/ 1950
/ Wilkinson to Acheson, Nos.508 & 556, 5 & 12 September 1950, FRUS
: 707~708
/ Harriamn's meeting with MacArthur, DS Records, 795.00/8-850, Box 4267, RG59, NA
Michael Howard
/ 1988
/ The United Nations and International Security; United Nations, Divided World: The UN's Roles in International Relations
/ Clarendon Paperbacks
: 45~
Evan Luard
/ 1979
/ The United Nations:How it Works and What it Does
/ The Macmillan Press
: 9~
Leland M.Goodrich
/ 1956
/ Korea:A Study of U.S.Policy in the United Nations
/ Council on Foreign Relations
: 211~