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Hur,Jung-Gweon 1 Jung, Duk-gi 2




This Article is to analyze the aspectand influence ofthe battle at Amakseong(阿莫城,TheAmakFort,in presentSeongrisanseong(城里山城)),which was nearUnbong(雲峰),Namweon(南原)in AugustA.D.602 from theperspectiveofthemilitarystrategy. The Amakseong region was strategic and traffic point between Jeollabuk-do(全羅北道)andGyeongsangnam-do(慶尙南道).ThereforeBaekje (百濟)andSilla(新羅)valuedhighlyoftheregion. In AugustA.D.602,King Mu(武王)ofBaekjestarted a warto occupy thisregion.And hebesieged theAmakseong.Buttheking withdrew his troopsfrom theAmakseongbecauseofthespecificsituation ofBaekjeand the reaction ofSilla. After the withdrawalofBaekje troops, Silla was building fourForts including Sotasoeng(小陁城).Baekje sentcavalry,but the forts were completed.Because ofthat,Baekje failed to controlthe area. The battle in Amakseong suggests us some facts.From the pointof Silla, the battle enabled it to expand its defense line at the Sobeak mountainsandSillawasabletoconductoffensivedefenseagainstBaekje. On theotherhand,in caseofBaekje,thepurposeofthebattlewasto secure the shortestroute to Taeyaseong(大耶城,The Taeya Fort) and to expressthewilloftheKingMu.Butaseriesofseveredefeatsweakened BaekjeandBaekje’sattempttoadvancetoTaeyaFortwasfrustrated.

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* References for papers published after 2023 are currently being built.