/ 2009
/ 군과 나
/ 시대정신
/ 1999
/ 길고 긴 여름날 1950년 6월 25일
/ 지구촌
/ 2000
/ 한민족전쟁사
/ 집문당
: 922~925
/ 2013
/ 6·25전쟁 시 미국의 전략과 야전훈련사령부에 대한 연구
/ 석사
/ 국방대학교
/ 2000
/ 한국과 6·25전쟁
/ 현대한국학연구소
/ 2002
/ The Dragon From The Stream :The ROK Army transition and the Korean War,1950-1953
/ 박사
/ 오하이오 주립대학교
/ 1950
/ 한국전쟁시 육군의 교육 및 훈련체계:1950.6∼1951.8
/ 학예지
/ 2002
/ 한국전쟁사의 새로운 연구-2
/ 국방부 군사편찬연구소
/ 2001
/ 한국전쟁사의 새로운 연구-1
/ 국방부 군사편찬연구소
Bryan Robert Gibby
/ 2004
/ Fighting in A Korean War: The American Advisory Missions From 1946-9153
/ 박사
/ 오하이오 주립대학
R.K. Sawyer
/ 2005
/ Military advisors in Korea: KMAG inpeace and war
/ University Press of the Pacific
K.W. Myers
/ 1951
/ United States Military Advisory Group to The Republic of Korea Part IV–KMAG’s War time Experiences 11 July 1951 to 27 July 1953,1951
Bryan Robert Gibby
/ 2004
/ Fighting in A Korean War: The American Advisory Missions From 1946-1953
/ 박사
/ 오하이오 주립대학
/ 1951
/ “Command report, Section I: Narrative, August,1951”,RG 338.HQ, EUSAK
/ Classified Organizational History Files, Entry 34407, Box 64
: 9~10
/ 2005
/ Military advisors in Korea : KMAG in peace and war
/ University Press of the Pacific
: 170~
/ 2002
/ 한국전쟁사의 새로운 연구-2
/ 국방부 군사편찬연구
: 41~46
/ 1958
/ United States Military Advisory Group to The Republic of Korea PartIV–KMAG’s Wartime Experiences 11 July 1951 to 27 July 1953,1958
: 135~
/ 1952
/ Section I,Tab A,Mission and Background”,RG 554:Advisory Group to the Republic of Korea(KMAG)
/ 8202nd Army Unit, AG section, Command Reports, Field Training Commands,1 Jul–30 Dec 1952
/ 1999
/ 길고 긴 여름날 1950년 6월 25일
/ 지구촌
: 209~
/ 1952
/ “Section I, Tab A, Mission and Background”,RG 554
/ Field Training Commands, 1 Jul–30 Dec 1952
/ 1952
/ “Section III, Tab B, Inspection Reports :1st Division,20th Regt, and 36th Regt”, RG 554
/ Field Training Commands,1 Jul–30 Dec 1952
/ 1954
/ “Section II, Tab A, Organization of ROK Division”, RG 554
/ Field Training Commands,1 Jul–30 Dec 1952; Myers(1954)
: 57~
/ 1951
/ “Section V, Tab B, Training memorandum 92, Division training program, 24 Nov,1951”, RG 554
/ Field Training Commands,1 Jul–30 Dec 1952
/ 1951
/ “Command report, Section I: Narrative, July, 1951”, RG 338.HQ
/ EUSAK, Classified Organizational History Files, Entry 34407,Box 64
: 48~50
/ 1952
/ “Section V, Tab B, Training memorandum 92, Division training program, 24 Nov,1951”,RG 554
/ Field Training Commands,1 Jul–30 Dec 1952
Bryan R, Gibby
/ 2012
/ The will to Win: American Military Advisors in Korea, 1946~1953
/ University of Alabam a Press
: 177~178
/ 1952
/ “Section VII,Proposed Second Cycle Training”, RG 554
/ Field Training Commands,1 Jul–30 Dec1952
/ 1952
/ “Expansion of ROK Army,1, Nov,1952”, RG 319: Records of the Army Staff, 1903-2006, Top Secret Correspondence, compiled 1948-1952
/ Entry UD2A, 091 Korea 1951-1952