마한, 알프레드 T
/ 1999
/ 해양력이 역사에 미치는 영향
/ 책세상
Mahan, Alfred T
/ 1890
/ The Influence of Sea Power upon History, 1660-1783
/ Little, Brown, and Company
Mahan, Alfred T.
/ 1897
/ The Interest of Amreica in Sea Power, Present and Future
/ Little, Brown, and Company
Mahan, Alfred T.
/ 1900
/ The Problem of Asia and Its Effect upon International Policies
/ Little, Brown, and Company
Mahan, Alfred T.
/ 1902
/ Retrospect and Prospect, Studies in International Relations Naval and Political
/ Little, Brown, and Company
Mahan, Alfred T
/ 1905
/ Sea Power in Its Relation to the War of 1812, Vol. 2
/ Little, Brown, and Company
Mahan, Alfred T.
/ 1911
/ Naval Strategy Compared and Contrasted with the Principles and Practice of Military Operations on Land
/ Little, Brown, and Company
Mahan, Alfred T
/ 1911
/ The Importance of the Command of the Sea, For an Adequate Navy, and more
/ Scientific American
Mahan, Alfred T.
/ 1912
/ Armaments and Arbitration: The Place of Force in the International Relations of States
/ Harper & Brothers Publishers
Mahan, Alfred T.
/ 1913
/ The Major Operations of the Navies in the War of American Independence
/ Little, Brown, and Company
Mahan, Alfred T.
/ 1918
/ Lessons of the War with Spain and Other Articles
/ Little, Brown, and Company
Mahan, Alfred T.
/ 1918
/ Naval Administration and Warfare: Some General Principles with Other Essays
/ Little, Brown, and Company
Morison, Elting E.
/ 1952
/ The Letters of Theodore Roosevelt Vol. 5
/ Havard Univ. Press
Morison, Elting E.
/ The Letters of Theodore Roosevelt Vol. 6
/ Havard Univ. Press
Charles J. Bonaparte
/ 1906
/ Annual Report of the Secretary of the Navy for 1905
/ Government Printing Office
Victor H. Metcalf
/ 1908
/ Annual Report of the Secretary of the Navy for 1907
/ Government Printing Office
Josephus Daniels
/ 1916
/ Annual Report of the Secretary of the Navy for 1915
/ Government Printing Office
Josephus Daniels
/ 1917
/ Annual Report of the Secretary of the Navy for 1916
/ Government Printing Office
/ 2021
/ 알프레드 T. 마한의 해양군사사상이 20세기 초 미국의 대전략에 미친 영향: 지정학적 위협인식 기반의 대외정책론과 해군전략론을 중심으로
/ 석사
/ 국방대학교
밀러, 에드워드 S
/ 2015
/ 오렌지 전쟁계획: 태평양전쟁을 승리로 이끈 미국의 전략, 1897-1945
/ 연경문화사
/ 2005
/ 있는 그대로의 미국사 2: 하나의 미국-남북전쟁에서 20세기 초까지
/ 휴머니스트
/ 2001
/ 해양력과 미·일 안보관계 : 미국의 대일 통제수단으로서의 본질
/ 한국해양전략연구소
/ 2019
/ 중국해군 Type 001A형 산둥함 실전 배치
/ KIMA News Letter 제656호
Baer, George W
/ 1993
/ One Hundred Years of Sea Power: The U.S. Navy, 1890-1990
/ Stanford Univ. Press
Bishop, Joseph B.
/ 1919
/ Theodore Roosevelt’s Letters to His Children
/ Charles Scribner’s Sons
Braisted, William R.
/ 1958
/ The United States Navy in the Pacific, 1897-1909
/ Greenwood
Challenger, Richard D
/ 1973
/ Admirals, Generals, and American Foreign Policy 1898-1914
/ Princeton Univ. Press
Davis, George T.
/ 1971
/ A Navy Second to None: The Development of Mordern American Naval Policy
/ Praeger Press
Green, Michael
/ 2017
/ By More than Providence: Grand Strategy and American Power in the Asia Pacific Since 1783
/ Columbia Univ. Press
Hagan, Kenneth J.
/ 1991
/ This People’s Navy: The Making of American Sea Power
/ The Free Press
Hendrix, Henry J.
/ 2009
/ Theodore Roosevelt's Naval Diplomacy: The U.S. Navy and the Birth of the American Century
/ Naval Institute Press
Herwig, Holger H
/ 1889
/ Politics of Frustration: The United States in German Naval Planning, 1889-1941
/ Little, Brown, and Company
Iriye, Akira
/ 1972
/ Pacific Estrangement: Japanese and American Expansion, 1897-1911
/ Havard Univ. Press
Kennedy, Paul M
/ 1989
/ Maritime Strategy and the Balance of Power: Britain and American in the Twentieth Century
/ St. Martin’s Press
: 1989~
LaFeber, Walter
/ 1993
/ The Cambridge History of American Foreign Relations, Volume Ⅱ, The American Search for Opportunity, 1865-1913
/ Cambridge Univ. Press
Miller, Nathan
/ 1992
/ Theodore Roosevelt, A Life
/ William Morrow & Company
Millett, Allan R
/ 2012
/ For The Common Defense: A Military History of the United States from 1607 to 2012
/ Free Press
Morison, Elting E
/ 1969
/ The War of Ideas: The United States Navy, 1870-1890
/ U.S. Air Force Academy
Puleston, William D.
/ 1939
/ Mahan: The Life and Work of Captain Alfred Thayer Mahan
/ Yale Univ. Press
Sharman, Christopher H.
/ 2015
/ China Moves Out: Stepping Stones Toward a New Maritime Strategy
/ National Defense Univ. Press
Sprout, Harold
/ 1918
/ The Rise of American Naval Power 1776-1918
/ Princeton Univ. Press
Trask, David F
/ 1981
/ The War with Spain in 1898
/ Macmillan Press
Zimmerman, Warren
/ 2002
/ First Great Triumph: How Five Americans Made Their Country a World Power
/ Farrar, Straus, and Giroux
Walter LaFeber
/ 1962
/ A Note on the "Mercantilistic Imperialism" of Alfred Thayer Mahan
/ The Mississippi Valley Historical Review
/ Oxford University Press (OUP)
: 674~
Seward W. Livermore
/ 1958
/ The American Navy as a Factor in World Politics, 1903-1913
/ The American Historical Review
: 863~
John H. Maurer
/ 2008
/ American naval concentration and the German battle fleet, 1900–1918
/ Journal of Strategic Studies
/ Informa UK Limited
: 147~181
McKillip, Robert W. H
/ 1991
/ Undermining Technology by Strategy: Resolving the Trade Protection Dilemma of 1917
/ Naval War College Review
Nan Li
/ 2009
/ The Evolution of China's Naval Strategy and Capabilities: From “Near Coast” and “Near Seas” to “Far Seas”
/ Asian Security
/ Informa UK Limited
: 144~169
/ 1893
/ Sea Power
/ Proceedings
Varacalli, Thomas F. X
/ 2016
/ National Interest and Moral Responsibility in the Political Thought of Admiral Alfred Thayer Mahan
/ Naval War College Review