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The Warship or Freighter Manufacturing in Goguryo-Tang War(644-648) and Fiscalities : The Analysis of ship building cost and mobilized subject

  • military history
  • 2023, (127), pp.1-34
  • DOI : 10.29212/mh.2023..127.1
  • Publisher : Military History Institute, MND
  • Research Area : Humanities > History
  • Received : April 8, 2023
  • Accepted : June 5, 2023
  • Published : June 15, 2023

Choi, Jin yeoul 1

1한국전통문화대학교 역사문화연구소



This thesis is the analysis of ship building cost and mobilized subjects in Gogurto-Tang war in 644-648 and fiscalities. Tang built 900 ships in 644, 1,350 ships in 647, and at least 1,100 ships or warships in 648, respectively. The number of ships allocated to the Jiannan province, which is located southwest of Chang'an, the capital of the Tang Dynasty and present Sichuan province in 648 is unknown as it is not recorded in historical records, but Tang Taizong built at least 3,350 ships for the invasion of Goguryeo. Tang Taizong order to built ships on a large scale to transport soldiers and provisions. The cost of building a ship accounted for 17.4% of the estimated total amount of financial revenue under Tang taxation system called zu yong diao in 644, 26.1% in 647, and at least 21.2% in 648, respectively. This is the percentage of shipbuilding costs in the annual budget for the year. In short, the total cost of the 3,350 ships built in 3 years corresponds to 64.7% of the annual budget, calculated by statistical data based on population in 639. it was stated that the state borne the cost of building ships imposed on the Jiannan province in 648. But mobilized subjects for warship or freighter manufacturing in other region probably worked for free the burden of the mobilized people was heavy.

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* References for papers published after 2023 are currently being built.