title={A Study on the Artillery Ammunition Supply System during the Korean War - Focused on Rail and Road Transport -},
journal={military history},
AU - 강태윤
TI - A Study on the Artillery Ammunition Supply System during the Korean War - Focused on Rail and Road Transport -
JO - military history
PY - 2024
VL - null
IS - 133
PB - Military History Institute, MND
SP - 279
EP - 319
SN - 1598-317X
AB - ThestudyexaminestheammunitionsupplysystemoftheROK-US combined forces' artillery units during the Korean War, divided into two periods: before and after the US military support. Before the outbreak of the war and the arrival of UN forces, the South Korean military received ammunition upon the approval of the US Military Advisory Group, with quantities insufficient for full-scale warfare. Ammunitionsupplywasnotsystematized,andthespeedoftheNorth Korean advance depended largely on the efforts of the South Korean Army commanders to secure ammunition.
A systematic ammunition supply began to take shape with the US intervention and the establishment of the Busan Base Command. TheUSestablishedtheJapanLogisticCommand,utilizingtheJapanese mainland as a logistical support base and supplying ammunition to thewarehousesinBusanviaseaandairtransportation.Subsequently, the ammunition offloaded in Busan was transported to the battlefield using the existing railway system, and in areas where rail transport waslimited,thesupplywasmanagedviaroadtransportusingvehicles. As the war progressed, the ammunition supply system was fully developed, evolving from the Busan Base Command to the Busan Logistic Command and eventually to the 2nd Logistic Command. In the early stages of the war, when ammunition storage levels did notmeettherequiredstandards,emergencymeasuressuchasaerial transportanddailyCSRadjustmentswereimplementedforoperational support. By the latter stages of the war, the establishment of stable ammunitionstorageandtransportsystemsenabledconsistentsupply. Thus,theestablishmentofanammunitionsupplysystemwasacrucial element of sustained support during the Korean War
KW - Korean War; Artillery; Logistics; Ammunition Supply System; Rail; Road Transport
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강태윤. (2024). A Study on the Artillery Ammunition Supply System during the Korean War - Focused on Rail and Road Transport -. military history, 133, 279-319.
강태윤. 2024, "A Study on the Artillery Ammunition Supply System during the Korean War - Focused on Rail and Road Transport -", military history, no.133, pp.279-319.
강태윤 "A Study on the Artillery Ammunition Supply System during the Korean War - Focused on Rail and Road Transport -" military history 133 pp.279-319 (2024) : 279.
강태윤. A Study on the Artillery Ammunition Supply System during the Korean War - Focused on Rail and Road Transport -. 2024; 133 : 279-319.
강태윤. "A Study on the Artillery Ammunition Supply System during the Korean War - Focused on Rail and Road Transport -" military history no.133(2024) : 279-319.
강태윤. A Study on the Artillery Ammunition Supply System during the Korean War - Focused on Rail and Road Transport -. military history, 133, 279-319.
강태윤. A Study on the Artillery Ammunition Supply System during the Korean War - Focused on Rail and Road Transport -. military history. 2024; 133 279-319.
강태윤. A Study on the Artillery Ammunition Supply System during the Korean War - Focused on Rail and Road Transport -. 2024; 133 : 279-319.
강태윤. "A Study on the Artillery Ammunition Supply System during the Korean War - Focused on Rail and Road Transport -" military history no.133(2024) : 279-319.