title={Finding Humanity in the War of "Theirs" Through the eyes of "Ordinary Peoplie"},
journal={military history},
AU - kimsanggyu
TI - Finding Humanity in the War of "Theirs" Through the eyes of "Ordinary Peoplie"
JO - military history
PY - 2024
VL - null
IS - 133
PB - Military History Institute, MND
SP - 437
EP - 449
SN - 1598-317X
AB -
KW -
DO -
UR -
ER -
kimsanggyu. (2024). Finding Humanity in the War of "Theirs" Through the eyes of "Ordinary Peoplie". military history, 133, 437-449.
kimsanggyu. 2024, "Finding Humanity in the War of "Theirs" Through the eyes of "Ordinary Peoplie"", military history, no.133, pp.437-449.
kimsanggyu "Finding Humanity in the War of "Theirs" Through the eyes of "Ordinary Peoplie"" military history 133 pp.437-449 (2024) : 437.
kimsanggyu. Finding Humanity in the War of "Theirs" Through the eyes of "Ordinary Peoplie". 2024; 133 : 437-449.
kimsanggyu. "Finding Humanity in the War of "Theirs" Through the eyes of "Ordinary Peoplie"" military history no.133(2024) : 437-449.
kimsanggyu. Finding Humanity in the War of "Theirs" Through the eyes of "Ordinary Peoplie". military history, 133, 437-449.
kimsanggyu. Finding Humanity in the War of "Theirs" Through the eyes of "Ordinary Peoplie". military history. 2024; 133 437-449.
kimsanggyu. Finding Humanity in the War of "Theirs" Through the eyes of "Ordinary Peoplie". 2024; 133 : 437-449.
kimsanggyu. "Finding Humanity in the War of "Theirs" Through the eyes of "Ordinary Peoplie"" military history no.133(2024) : 437-449.