author={Yoo Inseok},
title={Nixon Administration’s Troop Withdrawal Policy from South Korea - Dynamics of Strategy and Governmental Politics -},
journal={military history},
AU - Yoo Inseok
TI - Nixon Administration’s Troop Withdrawal Policy from South Korea - Dynamics of Strategy and Governmental Politics -
JO - military history
PY - 2024
VL - null
IS - 133
PB - Military History Institute, MND
SP - 399
EP - 436
SN - 1598-317X
AB - The Nixon administration’s withdrawal of U.S. forces from South KoreahadasignificantimpactontheROK-USallianceandthesecurity dynamics in Northeast Asia. However, it has been relatively understudied compared to withdrawal policies from other periods. Particularly, given that the Nixon administration planned a complete withdrawal of ground forces and the likelihood of its implementation was high, the question of why it ultimately resulted in only a partial reduction remains unexplored. To address this question, this paper appliesthegovernmentalpoliticsmodeltoanalyzethereasonsbehind the partial withdrawal. The study reveals that bureaucratic factors between the National Security Council(NSC) and the Department of Defense played a key role in shaping the policy. The contrasting political and military perspectives of Kissinger and Laird created significant challenges for President Nixon, placing him in a complex decision-making dilemma. In this context, while the possibility of afullwithdrawalwashighunderLaird’smilitaryrationale,theadvent of détente between the US and China allowed the NSC’s opposition tofurtherreductionstogaintheupperhand,leadingtothesuspension of additional troop reductions.
KW - Nixon Doctrine; U.S. Troop Withdrawal from South Korea; Governmental Politics Model; ROK-US Alliance
DO -
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ER -
Yoo Inseok. (2024). Nixon Administration’s Troop Withdrawal Policy from South Korea - Dynamics of Strategy and Governmental Politics -. military history, 133, 399-436.
Yoo Inseok. 2024, "Nixon Administration’s Troop Withdrawal Policy from South Korea - Dynamics of Strategy and Governmental Politics -", military history, no.133, pp.399-436.
Yoo Inseok "Nixon Administration’s Troop Withdrawal Policy from South Korea - Dynamics of Strategy and Governmental Politics -" military history 133 pp.399-436 (2024) : 399.
Yoo Inseok. Nixon Administration’s Troop Withdrawal Policy from South Korea - Dynamics of Strategy and Governmental Politics -. 2024; 133 : 399-436.
Yoo Inseok. "Nixon Administration’s Troop Withdrawal Policy from South Korea - Dynamics of Strategy and Governmental Politics -" military history no.133(2024) : 399-436.
Yoo Inseok. Nixon Administration’s Troop Withdrawal Policy from South Korea - Dynamics of Strategy and Governmental Politics -. military history, 133, 399-436.
Yoo Inseok. Nixon Administration’s Troop Withdrawal Policy from South Korea - Dynamics of Strategy and Governmental Politics -. military history. 2024; 133 399-436.
Yoo Inseok. Nixon Administration’s Troop Withdrawal Policy from South Korea - Dynamics of Strategy and Governmental Politics -. 2024; 133 : 399-436.
Yoo Inseok. "Nixon Administration’s Troop Withdrawal Policy from South Korea - Dynamics of Strategy and Governmental Politics -" military history no.133(2024) : 399-436.