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New Security Dilemma between David and Goliath : Tracing the Political and Military Mechanism of Guerilla Warfare amid the Rise of Great Power Politics

  • The Journal of Northeast Asia Research
  • Abbr : NEA
  • 2023, 38(2), pp.5-31
  • DOI : 10.18013/jnar.2023.38.2.001
  • Publisher : The Institute for Northeast Asia Research
  • Research Area : Social Science > Political Science > International Politics > International Relations / Cooperation
  • Received : June 9, 2023
  • Accepted : August 16, 2023
  • Published : August 31, 2023

Kil Joo Ban ORD ID 1

1고려대학교 일민국제관계연구원



Great power is attributed to Goliath in international politics seen in light of the relations between David and Goliath. In the era of strategic competition between great powers, ironically, guerilla warfare has changed the conventional battlefield. Ukraine as David neutralized flagships of the Black Sea Fleet two times while mobilizing suicide drones on a seemingly conventional battlefield. These cases show that guerilla warfare is gathering pace under great power politics. Ironically, the build-up of the strongest forces driven by a massive amount of military expenditure does not always lead to strengthening security. What drives this irony? Two variables have roles to play. The New Cold War is characterized by not only the reemergence of great power politics but also the spread of cutting-edge tech. The mechanism that arming more strategic weapons does not lessen security vulnerability is defined as a new security dilemma. Two cases, Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and North Korea’s drone invasion, are examined to take a look at how new security dilemma functions. To conclude, this paper provides five policy implications: 1) overcoming bureaucratic politics 2) optimizing between high and low weapons 3) building fusion-infra 4) diagnosing North Korea’s possible provocations 5) examining the dynamic characteristics of the New Cold War.

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* References for papers published after 2023 are currently being built.