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2023, Vol.38, No.2

New Security Dilemma between David and Goliath : Tracing the Political and Military Mechanism of Guerilla Warfare amid the Rise of Great Power Politics
Kil Joo Ban | 2023, 38(2) | pp.5~31 | number of Cited : 0
China’s Grand Strategy and Korean Peninsula Policy in the Xi Jinping Era: Goals and Directions
Lee Jaeyoung | 2023, 38(2) | pp.33~69 | number of Cited : 0
Factors Affecting the Re-election of Elite in the Russian Parliament: Focusing on the 8th State Duma Election
Sang Un Park , Youn, Dam-Rin | 2023, 38(2) | pp.71~107 | number of Cited : 1
Chinese Local Governments’ Economic Role in the Early 1980s and North Korean Local Governments’ Potentials and Limitations
Kyungsoo Lee | 2023, 38(2) | pp.109~138 | number of Cited : 0
The Changes of North Korea's Perception on China in the Era of Cold War and Post-Cold War.
Seongryeol Kim | 2023, 38(2) | pp.139~177 | number of Cited : 0
The Impact of General Trust on Subjective Well-being: A Comparative Analysis of Korea, Japan, and China Using Instrumental Variable Design
CHONG WHA, LEE | 2023, 38(2) | pp.179~203 | number of Cited : 0