author={Sungtae Park},
title={Remembering the Past through Imjin War},
journal={Journal of Humanities},
AU - Sungtae Park
TI - Remembering the Past through Imjin War
JO - Journal of Humanities
PY - 2008
VL - null
IS - 41
PB - Institute for Humanities
SP - 77
EP - 102
SN - 1598-8457
AB - The sixteenth century Imjin War was a historical moment, which had significantly altered the images and the diplomatic relations of the three countries of East Asia. In particular, this war, which broke out at the Korean Peninsula(formerly called Joseon), was an inevitably tragic moment for Koreans. Thus, the wretched state of Imjin and the process of overcoming the war have remained etched in the mind of various people.
There are differences in the remembrance of the Imjin War by each countries involved in the war (China and Japan). The images held by the countries prior to the occurrence had experience a new and different consciousness when they directly encountered the military of the opposing country at the spot where the war broke out. Or perhaps the images concerning China and Japan, whose consciousness of the war, were different among each class although the war broke out in Korean land and accepted, although modified and expanded at the war situation.
The focus of this paper is on the differences in the historical remembrance of each class. In particular, this paper pays attention to the differences in the memory of the war concerning reflection and critique, and pride in victory, based on the experiences of each individual.
The experience of the general populace through cultural memory can reveal the experience of the war more distinctly than the Historical Records of Imjin War(“Imjin-rok”). The main objects recorded in Imjin-rok are historical imagination and pride in overcoming the suffering of the war, and various cultural memories of Joseon’s elite class.
KW - Imjin War(invasion of Korea by the Japanese in 1592);Imjin-rok(壬辰錄);Tribute system;Historical remembrance;Cultural memory;Jingbi-rok(懲毖錄)
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Sungtae Park. (2008). Remembering the Past through Imjin War. Journal of Humanities, 41, 77-102.
Sungtae Park. 2008, "Remembering the Past through Imjin War", Journal of Humanities, no.41, pp.77-102.
Sungtae Park "Remembering the Past through Imjin War" Journal of Humanities 41 pp.77-102 (2008) : 77.
Sungtae Park. Remembering the Past through Imjin War. 2008; 41 : 77-102.
Sungtae Park. "Remembering the Past through Imjin War" Journal of Humanities no.41(2008) : 77-102.
Sungtae Park. Remembering the Past through Imjin War. Journal of Humanities, 41, 77-102.
Sungtae Park. Remembering the Past through Imjin War. Journal of Humanities. 2008; 41 77-102.
Sungtae Park. Remembering the Past through Imjin War. 2008; 41 : 77-102.
Sungtae Park. "Remembering the Past through Imjin War" Journal of Humanities no.41(2008) : 77-102.