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Social Crisis due to Climate Change and Communities’ Reaction

  • Journal of Humanities
  • 2016, (60), pp.5-40
  • Publisher : Institute for Humanities
  • Research Area : Humanities > Other Humanities
  • Received : January 16, 2016
  • Accepted : January 28, 2016

Lee Na-Mi 1




In general, there is a limit as to what government and business can do to cope with a crisis resulting from climate change, because of inflexible bureaucracy and short-term profit-seeking businesses. Therefore, there is a hope in civil society and communities. Danger or crisis resulting from climate change might increase people’s feeling of helplessness, individualization, social inequality, hatred and conflict in society. To solve these problems, trust among people, recovery of community spirit, and consolidatory democracy are needed. ‘Transition Town’ is a movement of this idea, for communication, sharing and cooperation. Towns of Totnes, Dongjak-gu and Eunpyeong-gu may be good models. Above all, transition of paradigm - for example, self-sufficient, cooperative and reciprocal economy - is needed to solve natural and social resulting from climate change.

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