author={Chang, DongIk},
title={An Aristotle-based Explanation of Virtue Ethics with Regard to Nazi’s Courage and Unity of Virtue},
journal={Journal of Humanities},
AU - Chang, DongIk
TI - An Aristotle-based Explanation of Virtue Ethics with Regard to Nazi’s Courage and Unity of Virtue
JO - Journal of Humanities
PY - 2022
VL - null
IS - 86
PB - Institute for Humanities
SP - 213
EP - 238
SN - 1598-8457
AB - This paper is aimed at looking for a way to maintain the unity of virtue without compromising the characteristics of virtue. Section 2, while discussing the issue of whether the bravery of a Nazi soldier can be a virtue, will explain what difficulties could arise in asserting the unity of virtue. Section 3 will suggest the conditions for the unity of virtue according to each condition and at the same time examine the characteristics of the unity of virtue. Besides, it will also present three viewpoints of the unity of virtue: an ontological, a semantic, and a theoretical perspective. This study will suggest that, of the three viewpoints, the condition for the unity of virtue from the theoretical point of view is the most reasonable in virtue ethics. In section 4,this paper will show that Aristotle’s unity of virtue has a special relation to practical wisdom, and thus corresponds to a theoretical view of the unity of virtue. In section 5, as a conclusion, it will be discussed that the confusion and difficulties arising from the unity of virtue can be resolved by distinguishing the ‘natural virtue’ and ‘virtue in the strict sense’.
KW - The unity of virtue;practical wisdom;natural virtue;virtue in the strict sense;courage
DO - 10.31310/HUM.086.06
ER -
Chang, DongIk. (2022). An Aristotle-based Explanation of Virtue Ethics with Regard to Nazi’s Courage and Unity of Virtue. Journal of Humanities, 86, 213-238.
Chang, DongIk. 2022, "An Aristotle-based Explanation of Virtue Ethics with Regard to Nazi’s Courage and Unity of Virtue", Journal of Humanities, no.86, pp.213-238. Available from: doi:10.31310/HUM.086.06
Chang, DongIk "An Aristotle-based Explanation of Virtue Ethics with Regard to Nazi’s Courage and Unity of Virtue" Journal of Humanities 86 pp.213-238 (2022) : 213.
Chang, DongIk. An Aristotle-based Explanation of Virtue Ethics with Regard to Nazi’s Courage and Unity of Virtue. 2022; 86 : 213-238. Available from: doi:10.31310/HUM.086.06
Chang, DongIk. "An Aristotle-based Explanation of Virtue Ethics with Regard to Nazi’s Courage and Unity of Virtue" Journal of Humanities no.86(2022) : 213-238.doi: 10.31310/HUM.086.06
Chang, DongIk. An Aristotle-based Explanation of Virtue Ethics with Regard to Nazi’s Courage and Unity of Virtue. Journal of Humanities, 86, 213-238. doi: 10.31310/HUM.086.06
Chang, DongIk. An Aristotle-based Explanation of Virtue Ethics with Regard to Nazi’s Courage and Unity of Virtue. Journal of Humanities. 2022; 86 213-238. doi: 10.31310/HUM.086.06
Chang, DongIk. An Aristotle-based Explanation of Virtue Ethics with Regard to Nazi’s Courage and Unity of Virtue. 2022; 86 : 213-238. Available from: doi:10.31310/HUM.086.06
Chang, DongIk. "An Aristotle-based Explanation of Virtue Ethics with Regard to Nazi’s Courage and Unity of Virtue" Journal of Humanities no.86(2022) : 213-238.doi: 10.31310/HUM.086.06