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The Development Cooperation of ROK in ASEAN Region with the View of Post-Development Theory through the Research Trend Analysis

  • Journal of Asia-Pacific Studies
  • Abbr : JAPS
  • 2020, 27(1), pp.317-347
  • DOI : 10.18107/japs.2020.27.1.011
  • Publisher : Institute of Global Affairs
  • Research Area : Social Science > Social Science in general
  • Received : February 10, 2020
  • Accepted : March 7, 2020
  • Published : March 30, 2020

Yeon, Kyungsim 1




This study analyzed the research trend on development cooperation of ROK in ASEAN region with the view of Post-Development Theory. It aimed at investigating the extent to which ROK has made a commitment to the partner country-oriented development cooperation from the experience of receiving aid support. In this context, this study targeted the ASEAN’s member states which are categorized as the partner countries in development cooperation and also recognized as the strategic partners of ROK. This study reviewed the key implications about the Post-Development Theory, which has been discussed as the alternative to existing donor-oriented development and presented an analytical principle for analyzing the perspectives and performance of development cooperation of ROK. With the proposed framework of content analysis, this study conducted the trend analysis on domestic research outputs in terms of development cooperation between ASEAN and ROK. In result, this study reached that ROK has implemented development cooperation policies and projects by emphasizing its national-level development goals and economic factors in ASEAN region. It hardly seemed that ROK’s approaches have embraced the positions and demands of the partner countries. However, the latest research trend revealed that the areas of development cooperation between ASEAN and ROK have been diversified and non-economic affairs such as social and cultural issues could get attention as well. Thus, this study suggested that ROK would encourage the partner countries to define their own concept of development, set the development goals and attain them from its experience as a partner country. It would be a way to highlight the ROK’s specialized approaches to conduct development cooperation.

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* References for papers published after 2023 are currently being built.

This paper was written with support from the National Research Foundation of Korea.