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Research on Japan’s Arctic Policy: Focusing on Assessment of the Importance of the Social Science

  • Journal of Asia-Pacific Studies
  • Abbr : JAPS
  • 2020, 27(4), pp.95-125
  • DOI : 10.18107/japs.2020.27.4.004
  • Publisher : Institute of Global Affairs
  • Research Area : Social Science > Social Science in general
  • Received : November 13, 2020
  • Accepted : November 25, 2020
  • Published : December 30, 2020


1한국해양과학기술원 부설 극지연구소



Japan commenced the Arctic activities by joining IASC which was the first Arctic activity of Asian Countries, and has expanded the interest areas by conducing international project for NSR in 1990s and 2000s. And, ‘Headquarter for Ocean Policy at the Prime Minister’s Office’ for managing the Japan’s Ocean and Polar Policy was founded in 2007 and Japan got the ad-hoc observer state in 2009 and finally joined the observer group of Arctic Council in 2013. as an after-action of joining, the headquarter formally released the Japan’s Arctic Policy in 2015 that was the first Arctic policy of the Japanese government. Japan’s Government consisted of 3-axis of policy, that is △Research and Development (R&D), △International Collaboration. △Sustainable Development. Regarding the R&D of Arctic Policy, MEXT organized the Arctic Climate Change Research Project (2011-2016) under GRENE programme. and as a second stage, MEXT initiated the interdisciplinary programme named “Arctic Challenge for Sustainability (ArCS I 2015-2019 leading by NIPR, JAMSTEC, Hokkaido Univ.)’ in 2015 which was finished successively in 2019. MEXT had hosted the breakout session at Arctic Circle Assembly for sharing the accomplishments of the ArCS I. with international communities from 2016 to 2019. In 2020 MEXT, on the third stage, launched ArCS II programme which takes more multidisciplinary approach than ArCS I and more domestic research institutions (i.e. Univ., Institute) apart from 3 main institutions joined as the managing institutes of each sub-project. This study conducted the comparative study on GRENE (Arctic Climate Change Research Project), ArCS I, and ArCS II in terms of research themes and the contents of sub projects, portion of Arctic Social science and its role and relations on A rctic natural science, etc. And the study reviewed the implications based on the outcomes of analysis and research and suggested the directions for the development of Korea’s Arctic interdisciplinary programme collaborating Arctic Social Science, Natural Science and Engineering for addressing Arctic Issue and contributing to Policy-Decision.

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