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2019, Vol.46, No.3

Skeletal Age Assessment of SMI and MP3 Stages to Predict the Pubertal Growth Spurt
Yeonju Lee , Mah Yon-Joo | 2019, 46(3) | pp.233~238 | number of Cited : 5
Oral Complications after Antineoplastic Treatment in Pediatric Patients
Yongjin Lee , Jaehwan Kim , Choi Nam-Ki and 1 other persons | 2019, 46(3) | pp.239~246 | number of Cited : 1
Skeletal Maturity Evaluation using Maxillary Canine Development in Growing Children
Hyunkyoung Yoo , Jiyoung Ra , Je-Woo Lee | 2019, 46(3) | pp.247~254 | number of Cited : 3
Comparative Histologic Study of 3-Root Canal Filling Materials for Dog’s Teeth
Byurira Kim , Ik-Hwan Kim , YOOSEOK SHIN and 1 other persons | 2019, 46(3) | pp.255~264 | number of Cited : 0
Diagnostic Utilization of Laser Fluorescence for Resin Infiltration in Primary Teeth
Soyoung Park , JEONG,TAE-SUNG , Jiyeon Kim and 1 other persons | 2019, 46(3) | pp.265~273 | number of Cited : 0
Effect of Saliva Decontamination on Bond Strength of 1-step Self-etching Adhesives to Dentin of Primary Posterior Teeth
Junhee Lee , Shin Kim , JEONG,TAE-SUNG and 3 other persons | 2019, 46(3) | pp.274~282 | number of Cited : 0
Association between Body Mass Index and Dental Caries : Based on the Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey 2013 - 2015
Jihye Jang , Miso Lee , KIM JAE GON and 2 other persons | 2019, 46(3) | pp.283~292 | number of Cited : 9
Comparison of Prevention Methods against Enamel Demineralization adjacent to Orthodontic Bracket Using Fluoride
Hyelim Mo , Jong-Soo Kim , Sohee Oh | 2019, 46(3) | pp.293~300 | number of Cited : 0
Effectiveness of Oral Health Education Program using Home-using Portable Device for Children
Jeongsang Lee , Shin Kim , JEONG,TAE-SUNG and 3 other persons | 2019, 46(3) | pp.301~309 | number of Cited : 1
5 Year Cumulative Survival Rate of Composite Resin Restorations in Permanent First Molars
Yoonsun Jung , JISUN SHIN | 2019, 46(3) | pp.310~317 | number of Cited : 2
Colorimetric Analysis of Preformed Zirconia Anterior Crowns for Esthetic Restoration
Changkeun Lee , Kibong Park , Yang Yeon Mi and 2 other persons | 2019, 46(3) | pp.318~327 | number of Cited : 0
A Trend of Treatment in Department of Pediatric Dentistry for 10 Years
Hyewon Kim , Kim Jongbin | 2019, 46(3) | pp.328~336 | number of Cited : 11
Characterization of Human Dental Pulp Cells from Supernumerary Teeth by Using Flow Cytometry Analysis
Yonsook You , Kim Jongbin , JISUN SHIN and 2 other persons | 2019, 46(3) | pp.337~342 | number of Cited : 0