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2019, Vol.19, No.2

Joseon Dynasty’s Recognition and Cartographic Changes of Dokdo between the 17th and 19th Centuries
Saangkyun Yi | 2019, 19(2) | pp.1~15 | number of Cited : 1
The Naming Characteristics of Marine Geographical Features Around the Korean Peninsula by Western Countries during the Period of 1787~1910
Ji Won Suh , Ahn, Sejin , Hyo-Hyun Sung | 2019, 19(2) | pp.17~39 | number of Cited : 4
East Asia Regional Geography of William Dampier
JUNG,IN-CHUL | 2019, 19(2) | pp.41~51 | number of Cited : 0
The Effect of Thematic Map Design on the Understanding of Geographical Facts
Jin-ok Yun , Kamyoung Kim | 2019, 19(2) | pp.53~63 | number of Cited : 1
The Spatio-temporal Dynamics Estimation of Economic Growth in Border Regions, China, using DMSP-OLS imagery
Minho Kim | 2019, 19(2) | pp.65~77 | number of Cited : 2
Study on Improvement Plan of Korean Geospatial Information Education Systems for Developing Countries
Byeongsun Kim , Kirl Kim | 2019, 19(2) | pp.79~89 | number of Cited : 3
Building-level Estimation of Workplace Population using Household Travel Survey Data
Yelin Kim , Hong Seong-Yun | 2019, 19(2) | pp.91~104 | number of Cited : 0
The Spatio-Temporal Distribution and Housing Conditions of a Gosiwon in Seoul
Hyeongmo Koo | 2019, 19(2) | pp.105~118 | number of Cited : 6
Spatial Data Improvement Schemes of Open Data Portal
Jeong, Jae Joon | 2019, 19(2) | pp.119~132 | number of Cited : 4
Impact of Remittances on the Left Behind Families in Nepal: A Case of Vyas Municipality, Tanahun District
Kanhaiya Sapkota | 2019, 19(2) | pp.133~146 | number of Cited : 0