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A Comparative Study on the Concepts of the Chuna(推拿)

  • The Journal Of Korean Medical Classics
  • Abbr : JKMC
  • 2008, 21(2), pp.173-192
  • Publisher : 대한한의학원전학회
  • Research Area : Medicine and Pharmacy > Korean Medicine

박종민 1 Shin, Sang Woo 2 Jong-Hyun Park 3

1대구한의대학교 한의과대학 병리학교실



The Chuna(推拿) in Korea has been developed since 1990's. Korean Chuna which is the only one manual therapy done by medical doctor is riched by absorbing other nation's manual therapy like Chinese Tuina(中國推拿) and Chiropractic therapy of U.S.A. So, We find that Korean Chuna's peculiarity and development by comparing Chinese Tuina, Chiropractic of U.S.A and Japanese manual therapy which influenced establishment of Korean Chuna. We compared each manual therapy's history, development, diagnosis, correction and treatment of human body, frequently contacting disease and medical service of the present state. Korean Chuna has absorbed other nation's manual therapy and advantage of preserving muscle-skeleton and spinal disorder disease. But, for more prosperity, it needs union of various conception and diagnosis and more research and application to more various disease, for example in internal medicine, gynecology or pediatry and founding system as regular academic work inside the college the possibility which objection and it will practice more completeness. And as one of specialty apprentice doctor subject inside the hospital, the possibility of raising a quality improvement of study and research environment.

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