Objectives :This study aims to contribute to developing new pattern identification based on searches regarding pattern identification of low back pain, which is used in thesis both in Korea and China.
Methods :First of all, we searched thesis concerning pattern identification of low back pain from RISS, OASIS, Korean traditional knowledge portal, CNKI.
Results :1. There were overall 34 thesis, consist of 18 Korean thesis(13 clinical papers and 5 analytical papers) and 9 Chinese thesis(7 clinical papers and 9 analytical papers).
2. 10 of 11 Korean thesis used more than 9 patterns for pattern identification, 9 of 14 Chinese thesis used less than 4 patterns for pattern identification of low back pain.
3. Patterns, which were repeatedly used in Korea, were 腎虛腰痛(Kidney deficiency low back pain), 濕熱腰痛(Dampness-heat low back pain), 寒濕腰痛(Cold-dampness low back pain), 痰飮腰痛(Phlegm-fluid retention low back pain), 風腰痛(Wind low back pain), 食積腰痛(Food accumulation low back pain), 濕腰痛(Dampness low back pain), 挫閃腰痛(Sprain low back pain), 瘀血腰痛(Static blood low back pain), 氣腰痛(Qi low back pain).
4. Patterns, which were repeatedly used in China, were 腎虛腰痛(Kidney deficiency low back pain), 濕熱腰痛(Dampness-heat low back pain), 寒濕腰痛(Cold-dampness low back pain), 氣滯血瘀腰痛(Blood stasis due to qi stagnation low back pain).
Conclusions :Based on these results, it is considered that an advanced type of pattern identification of low back pain should be made or existing type needs to be practically and objectively improved.