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An Efficient Franchise Distribution SystemUsing Card Checker

  • Journal of The Korea Society of Computer and Information
  • Abbr : JKSCI
  • 2007, 12(2), pp.307-314
  • Publisher : The Korean Society Of Computer And Information
  • Research Area : Engineering > Computer Science

서정민 1 문일환 2 이창훈 2 Sam-Keun Kim 2




FDS (Franchise Distributed System) which can efficiently control and manage the resources like food, liquid and services is required in many distributed system related areas like SCM (Supply Chaining Management) and ECR (Efficient Consumer Response). But, established system, such as used PC and Internet or CTI (Computer Telephony Integration) that need other equipment and expenses. And these have many problems, as voices record or recognition, not spreaded. To solve those problems, we design and implemented Web Card Checker for Franchise Distribution. Our system used card checker machine, not make additions, which can order raw materials like SCM as well as managed distributed processes.

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* References for papers published after 2023 are currently being built.