author={남성혁 and Tae-Kyung KIM and 김경란 and Cho, Wan-sup},
title={An EST Sequence Annotation System Based On Service Oriented Architecture},
journal={Journal of The Korea Society of Computer and Information},
AU - 남성혁
AU - Tae-Kyung KIM
AU - 김경란
AU - Cho, Wan-sup
TI - An EST Sequence Annotation System Based On Service Oriented Architecture
JO - Journal of The Korea Society of Computer and Information
PY - 2008
VL - 13
IS - 3
PB - The Korean Society Of Computer And Information
SP - 35
EP - 44
SN - 1598-849X
AB - In this paper, we present an EST sequence annotation system based on Service Oriented Architecture, called SeqWeB. We developed the web services of eight applications (Phred, cross_match, RepeatMasker, TGICL, ICAtools, CAP3, Phrap and Blast) which are located in sequence annotation process and integrated the web services through BPEL. SeqWeB uses an XML file format for data input and output to maximize interoperability between each application. SeqWeB can be extended or modified easily through some modification such as insertion, deletion and replacement because service-oriented architecture allows loose coupling between applications.
KW - 서비스 지향 구조(Service Oriented Architecture);웹 서비스(Web services);BPEL;EST 서열 주해(EST sequence annotation)
DO -
UR -
ER -
남성혁, Tae-Kyung KIM, 김경란 and Cho, Wan-sup. (2008). An EST Sequence Annotation System Based On Service Oriented Architecture. Journal of The Korea Society of Computer and Information, 13(3), 35-44.
남성혁, Tae-Kyung KIM, 김경란 and Cho, Wan-sup. 2008, "An EST Sequence Annotation System Based On Service Oriented Architecture", Journal of The Korea Society of Computer and Information, vol.13, no.3 pp.35-44.
남성혁, Tae-Kyung KIM, 김경란, Cho, Wan-sup "An EST Sequence Annotation System Based On Service Oriented Architecture" Journal of The Korea Society of Computer and Information 13.3 pp.35-44 (2008) : 35.
남성혁, Tae-Kyung KIM, 김경란, Cho, Wan-sup. An EST Sequence Annotation System Based On Service Oriented Architecture. 2008; 13(3), 35-44.
남성혁, Tae-Kyung KIM, 김경란 and Cho, Wan-sup. "An EST Sequence Annotation System Based On Service Oriented Architecture" Journal of The Korea Society of Computer and Information 13, no.3 (2008) : 35-44.
남성혁; Tae-Kyung KIM; 김경란; Cho, Wan-sup. An EST Sequence Annotation System Based On Service Oriented Architecture. Journal of The Korea Society of Computer and Information, 13(3), 35-44.
남성혁; Tae-Kyung KIM; 김경란; Cho, Wan-sup. An EST Sequence Annotation System Based On Service Oriented Architecture. Journal of The Korea Society of Computer and Information. 2008; 13(3) 35-44.
남성혁, Tae-Kyung KIM, 김경란, Cho, Wan-sup. An EST Sequence Annotation System Based On Service Oriented Architecture. 2008; 13(3), 35-44.
남성혁, Tae-Kyung KIM, 김경란 and Cho, Wan-sup. "An EST Sequence Annotation System Based On Service Oriented Architecture" Journal of The Korea Society of Computer and Information 13, no.3 (2008) : 35-44.