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2017, Vol.26, No.3

An Evaluative Analysis of the Social Economy Sectors in Seoul Metropolitan Area
Jang, Jong Ick , Chung Sik Yoo | 2017, 26(3) | pp.5~29 | number of Cited : 4
Social Economy in Gyeonggido: Characteristics and Needs for Development
Choi Seok-Hyeon | 2017, 26(3) | pp.31~61 | number of Cited : 3
Backgrounds, Characteristics and Future of Social Economy in Chungbuk Province
Choi, Young-chool | 2017, 26(3) | pp.63~99 | number of Cited : 3
Network Analysis for Occupational Safety and Health Research Trends on Migrant Workers
Lee Young Joo , 이승민 , KIM, YOUNG HWAN | 2017, 26(3) | pp.101~125 | number of Cited : 8
Research on Priorities of Purchasing Factors of Local Food Using Best-Worst Scaling Method
Choi Jong san | 2017, 26(3) | pp.127~151 | number of Cited : 13
Economic Development and Religion: Focused on Hinduism of India
HyunJung Lee | 2017, 26(3) | pp.153~182 | number of Cited : 1
The Impacts of Personal Characteristics and Recognition of External Environments for the Prospective Smart Farm Agricultural Entrepreneurs on the Entrepreneurial Intention of Smart Farm Start-ups: Focused on Hoengseong-gun Province
김동표 , 최지연 , CHOI, Sungyong | 2017, 26(3) | pp.183~218 | number of Cited : 8