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Japanese Aid: National Interests and Aid Philosophy

  • Journal of Regional Studies and Development
  • Abbr : JRSD
  • 2019, 28(2), pp.93-121
  • DOI : 10.22739/ipaid.2019.28.2.93
  • Publisher : Institute for Poverty Alleviation and International Development: IPAID
  • Research Area : Social Science > Area Studies > Regional Studies in general > Comparative / Statistical Regional Studies
  • Received : May 12, 2019
  • Accepted : August 27, 2019
  • Published : August 30, 2019

Jung, Hyomin 1

1교토대학 아프리카지역연구자료센터



The criticisms on Japanese aid has been continued since 1960’s. Especially the quality of Japanese aid evaluated low, because there are certain tendencies to seek Japanese own national interest by aid. The main characteristics of Japanese aid are the high portion of loan, concentrations on economic infrastructure and the Asian region. However, Japan not only had reduced the rate of tied aid in 1980’s but also made a guideline for the environmental and social considerations. Japanese aid has been affected by international relations and foreign policy matters since it was an important policy as economically and diplomatically. But in the late 1980’s, there had been harsh criticisms on Japanese aid, because Japan didn’t have a philosophy as a donor country. Japanese government considered the East Asian miracle as a successful experience as a donor country so it made poverty reduction through economic development an important concept in its own aid philosophy. After then, Japan did not changed its philosophy though poverty reduction became one of the most important aid regimes until 2015.

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