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2023, Vol.32, No.2

A Study on the Effect of the Personal Value and Eco-friendly Behavior on the Entrepreneurial Intention to an Eco-friendly Business
Sung WoongBum , WOOJIN PARK | 2023, 32(2) | pp.1~29 | number of Cited : 0
AHP Analysis on the Determinants of Tax Compliance in Azerbaijan*
Badalova Konul , Jihye Oh , KIM, Jung Ho | 2023, 32(2) | pp.31~64 | number of Cited : 0
Do Female MPs Represent Women Beyond their Party’s Position?: Focusing on Work-Family Balance Bills during the 19th-21st National Assembly in South Korea
An Hyunjin , Lee Jae Mook | 2023, 32(2) | pp.65~105 | number of Cited : 0
Effects of community elderly employment program participation characteristics of the life satisfaction of the elderly
YoonJu Jung , Yeojeong Kim , Kim, Young Ge | 2023, 32(2) | pp.107~132 | number of Cited : 0
Improvement of Human Rights through Military Reform:With a focus on Taiwan’s Alternative Military Service
Mo, ChunHeung | 2023, 32(2) | pp.133~156 | number of Cited : 0
Analysis of the Impact of Urbanization on Income Inequality in OECD Countries
So-Youn Kim , Suyeol Ryu | 2023, 32(2) | pp.157~181 | number of Cited : 0