title={Retirement Choices and Financial Incentives in Korea - Simulation over the Effects of Deferred Pension Expansion -},
journal={Journal of Insurance and Finance},
AU - 권혁진
TI - Retirement Choices and Financial Incentives in Korea - Simulation over the Effects of Deferred Pension Expansion -
JO - Journal of Insurance and Finance
PY - 2011
VL - 22
IS - 4
PB - Korea Insurance Research Institute
SP - 33
EP - 72
SN - 2384-3209
AB - Previous theoretical and empirical studies have provided the effects of financial incentives on retirement choices. Within my knowledge, this is the first empirical study to estimate a retirement probabilities model of financial incentives over the middle to old-aged in Korea. In this article, social security wealth and its accrual, peak value and option value are calculated as close as possible to the real value by using the dataset merged KReIS(version.3.4) with administrative archive managed by NPS. The main results are: First, the middle to old-aged decide a retirement taking a longer perspective over the change of the expected pension asset. Second, to achieve a desired effects from the improvement on the deferred pension, such as employment opportunities, the factors other than pension scheme need to change simultaneously. Lastly, the income effect of social security wealth on retirement probabilities is likely to vary depending on the specific pension scheme and socio-economic circumstances. This result needs to be further scrutinized through more developed studies.
KW - financial incentives;option value;peak value;pension;retireme nt choice;social security wealth
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권혁진. (2011). Retirement Choices and Financial Incentives in Korea - Simulation over the Effects of Deferred Pension Expansion -. Journal of Insurance and Finance, 22(4), 33-72.
권혁진. 2011, "Retirement Choices and Financial Incentives in Korea - Simulation over the Effects of Deferred Pension Expansion -", Journal of Insurance and Finance, vol.22, no.4 pp.33-72.
권혁진 "Retirement Choices and Financial Incentives in Korea - Simulation over the Effects of Deferred Pension Expansion -" Journal of Insurance and Finance 22.4 pp.33-72 (2011) : 33.
권혁진. Retirement Choices and Financial Incentives in Korea - Simulation over the Effects of Deferred Pension Expansion -. 2011; 22(4), 33-72.
권혁진. "Retirement Choices and Financial Incentives in Korea - Simulation over the Effects of Deferred Pension Expansion -" Journal of Insurance and Finance 22, no.4 (2011) : 33-72.
권혁진. Retirement Choices and Financial Incentives in Korea - Simulation over the Effects of Deferred Pension Expansion -. Journal of Insurance and Finance, 22(4), 33-72.
권혁진. Retirement Choices and Financial Incentives in Korea - Simulation over the Effects of Deferred Pension Expansion -. Journal of Insurance and Finance. 2011; 22(4) 33-72.
권혁진. Retirement Choices and Financial Incentives in Korea - Simulation over the Effects of Deferred Pension Expansion -. 2011; 22(4), 33-72.
권혁진. "Retirement Choices and Financial Incentives in Korea - Simulation over the Effects of Deferred Pension Expansion -" Journal of Insurance and Finance 22, no.4 (2011) : 33-72.