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Review Process

 Review of manuscripts

A. The editor-in-chief will assign two reviewers per manuscript and deliver review requests based on the “Review Request (form 1)”. The reviewers and the authors should not know each other.

B. Eligibility of reviewers

   The reviewer must be one of the following. However, experts from research institutes could be appointed to review certain manuscripts if need be. Reviewers from the same institution as the author will be excluded.

1) A person who holds the rank of associate professor or higher at a four-year university

2) A person who has published more than five research papers

3) A person who has presented papers (or participated as the chair or a discussant) at a domestic or international conference or who has experience as a reviewer at a domestic or international academic journal in the last two years.

C. Review procedure and criteria

1) The reviewer must fill out the “Review Report (form 2)” on paper or electronically and submit it to the editor-in-chief within 15 days of the review request.

2) The reviewer must review and rate manuscripts according to the Reviewer Guidelines below and give an overall grade of the manuscript.



< Reviewer Guidelines >






and Necessity

- Is the background and motivation discussed adequately?

- Are the claims of the paper firmly established?

- Would this paper contribute to the development of the insurance industry?

- Would this paper contribute to any future work?



- Does the paper present a new research method?

- Does this paper prove any new ideas/information?


Adequacy of the research method

- Is the relevant previous research discussed adequately?

- Are the goals and subjects clearly presented?

- Does the paper analyze its hypotheses through research methods such as qualitative or logical analysis?


Validity of the research conclusion

- Are the conclusions sound experimentally?

- Does the paper evaluate the limitations of the work?



(compliance with formatting instructions)

- Are titles used appropriately reflecting its content? Is the paper logically organized?

- Are the results clearly described?

- Did the author follow the formatting instructions?



< Grades for manuscripts under review >




Acceptable; suggested revisions possibly optional

90 or higher


Most likely acceptable with minor corrections; recommended for journal publication

80 - 89


Substantial revisions required prior to approval;

re-evaluation required

50 - 79


Not journal quality

50 or lower


3) The reviewer must complete the “Review Report (form 2)” in detail if the paper is unacceptable or if it requires revision suggestions.





D. The managing director will collect all “Review Reports (form 2)” and forward the first decision on the journal publication to the editor-in-chief.

1) The editor-in-chief will decide on the journal publication based on the reviewers’ ratings and suggestions by the managing director (decisions are made based on the “Guidelines” below) and send the “Review Reports (form 2) and (Notification for Acceptance/Rejection (form 3) (if necessary) to the author, via paper or electronically.


< Guidelines for journal publication>

Reviewer 1

Reviewer 2






Acceptable with minor corrections


Re-evaluation required after revisions


Appointment of the third reviewer needed



Recommended for journal publication

with revisions


Re-evaluation required after revisions


Appointment of the third reviewer



Re-evaluation required after revisions


Appointment of the third reviewer




The editor-of-chief may decide to appoint a third reviewer or to consider a manuscript unacceptable for journal publication.


2) The reviewer will re-evaluate the manuscript once the author has submitted their revised manuscript with an “Author’s Response (form 4)”.

E. If with the re-evaluation procedure it has not been decided whether to publish a paper or not, or if the editor-in-chief decides that the discrepancy between the author and the reviewer cannot be resolved, the editor-in-chief may appoint a third reviewer or take the issues to the editorial board.


6. Formatting instructions and submission procedure

A. The author must submit their manuscript according to the Formatting Instructions for the Journal of Insurance and Finance proposed by the editor-in-chief. 

1) Manuscripts for submission must include the title of the paper in Korean and English, the author’s name in Korean and English, abstract in Korean (within 10 lines) and English, the fields of research code by the National Research Foundation, and footnotes and references.

2) The manuscript must be submitted via post or an electronic mail directed to the person in charge of the Journal of Insurance and Finance at Korea Insurance Research Institute.

- Address: 38 Gukjegeumyung-ro 6-gil, Yeongdeungpo-gu, Republic of Korea (Postcode: 07328)

- E-mail: journal@kiri.or.kr

- Tel: +82-2 3775-9060   Fax: +82-2 3775-9105

B. After receiving the review results, the author must fill out the “Author’s Response (file 3)” to explain how they have revised, corrected their manuscript based on the “Review Reports (form 2) written by the reviewer and send their manuscript back to the managing director.


7. Acceptance of papers for journal publication

A. Rules for accepting papers for journal publication

1) Papers for journal publication will be decided by the editorial board from the papers that have been reviewed and revised. The editor-in-chief, however, has the final say on the decision if it is not possible to hold an editorial board meeting.

2) Only papers that have been graded A in the final review procedure may be accepted for publication (Manuscripts that went through a third procedure must receive A grade from its third reviewer). If the number of papers that have received the same grade exceeds that number of papers that can be published in a single volume, the editorial board will accept the manuscript taking into account the date the manuscript was received and the opinion of the managing director.

B. Notification of the journal publication

1) For papers that have been accepted for publication, the managing director will notify the author of the decision through written form or electronically.

2) The “Acceptance Notification (form 5) may be issued to authors, on request, whose paper has been accepted for publication.










This rule will be enforced from May 25, 1998.



This rule will be enforced from February 26, 1999.



This rule will be enforced from April 1, 2004.



This rule will be enforced from October 31, 2005.



This rule will be enforced from April 1, 2007.



This rule will be enforced from July 4, 2008.



This rule will be enforced from July 28, 2008.



This rule will be enforced from February 10, 2009.



This rule will be enforced from March 1, 2012.



This rule will be enforced from September 1, 2013.




This rule will be enforced from March 1, 2014.



This rule will be enforced from March 1, 2016.



This rule will be enforced from June 1, 2016.



This rule will be enforced from September 1, 2016.



This rule will be enforced from December 1, 2019.